Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Conversation with Hunter!

(Picture of Hunter @ Buttercup Sand Dunes....1/07)

Tonight after giving the kids a bath, Hunter and I were having a conversation. It went like this...........

Hunter said, "Mom, I'm so glad you are my mom!"

I said, "Thanks Bud I am glad I am your Mom too!"

He got a serious look on his face and said, "But I'm real sorry you don't get paid!!!


Shawna said...

Woo Hoo! Becky's blogging... I didn't know you started a blog! I love your house. Looks beautiful!
It will be fun to see pictures of the kids as you post them.
I was going to tell you that I finally got a decent camera that I can learn about photography with. It's a Nikon D40. I'm all about photography trips so if you ever want to go one let me know...I'd love to pick your brain and learn a thing or two from you!

Alene said...

I think you have a smart kid. WHat a cutie!