Monday, August 18, 2008

Party Like A Rock Star..............Kiersten turns 7!

We are a Rockin' Family! I just love parties with a theme and I had so much fun planning Kiersten's party. I had a lot of help from friends and family. Thanks Donelle for your ideas I stole! Everything turned out so fun and Kiersten LOVED it all so thats what really counts.
We all had some kind of Rock-n-Roll shirts on. Logan just loved his shirt and even wanted to wear it the next day!

We're a pretty Rockin' couple i'd say!

Everyone walked on the red carpet as they entered the party!

Each kids had their own star with their name on it. Kiersten and Hunter really liked this part.

1 comment:

Donelle said...

looks like a hit! Glad it all turned out well. You are a super cool family and a even cooler MOM! Glad I could be of help. Love the red carpet and stars.