Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sweet Spirited Hunter

Yesterday as Logan was away at preschool and it was just Hunter and I at home, I learned a beautiful lesson from Hunter. I made him a pirate costume for the Peter Pan play that him and Kiersten are in, and he LOVES it! So he was wearing it all morning. I told him he needed to take it off so he could do some chores like clean the basement. So he took it off and handed me the clip on hoop ear ring that goes with his costume, so he wouldn't loose it. I had a bunch of stuff in my hands but I took the ear ring anyways. When he went to put away his costume he asked me where the ear ring was and of course I had no idea! I couldn't even remember that he handed it to me.
We looked ever place I thought I might have put it but no luck.
Hunter then said, "Mom don't you think we should pray to Heavenly Father so he can help us find it?"
I said, "Of course."
So we said our little prayer and as soon as we were done I remembered I put it on the counter in my bathroom. Hunter and I went straight to where it was. I think I was more shocked then him! Hunter wasn't shocked at all because he absolutely knew Heavenly Father would answer our prayer. He was so happy and kept saying all day, "Mom wasn't it a good idea to pray!"
We had a great conversation about prayer and Heavenly Father. I love and learn so much from my children and their PURE FAITH. Thank you Hunter for the sweet lesson and the faith that you have!


TheShumWAYS said...

So cute.. I love when the kids teach us and put us in our place.
How are you feeling?

Donelle said...

I love that story. I love little reminders that our kids are actually understanding what we are trying so hard to teach them :) What a good boy!

Susan and Don said...

I hope this story is in his journal!