Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Princess Band

So the other day the kids were bored and I told them to go be creative. About 30 mins later they came up with this "band." It was so cute! They were in costume and everything. Kiersten was the princess, Hunter the King and Logan the Dragon.
They played or banged pots and pans. And for one song Kiersten even got out her violin with the boys accompanied her as percussion. They were so proud of themselves! They made a sign with two rules Justin and I had to follow... Rule#1 No mean faces, only smiles Rule#2 You have to clap


Brady and Mandi said...

Becky, your kids are so cute. Their band cracks me up. Anyway, we have a blog now and I added you guys to our list. Our address is if you want to add us :)

allisonj_2004 said...

to much fun. Hey I thought you had said you were going to print off your blog for a book? Do you have the info and if you have done it in the past post some picks so I can see please. We MIGHT be coming up next week. I don't know if I want to go that far and the heat. I'll see.