We decide to only give each person Three Gifts, just like the Wise Men brought three gifts to Christ. When we talked to the kids about this new idea of the Three Gift they were understanding and thought it would make Christmas better then ever.
One gift would be 'To Use", one would be "To Amuse" and the last "To Cherish."
It made gift giving much more meaningful this year............well for me as I am the "gift giver/buyer." Basically I just run stuff by Justin and that's about all his involvement is in the process. Which he is grateful for............he's not much of a shopper.
Last year I remember the kids picking up their gifts and shaking them, trying to guess what they were and what not. So this year on the tag where is said "To" was only a number. There were three gifts for each number.............the kids looked at the gifts but never touched them much because I reminded them that they had no idea whose was whose.
Christmas Eve the kids each got a candy bar with a number on it that corresponded to their three gifts.............they were so excited to finally know which gifts were theirs.
The most magical moment for me was Christmas Eve...........
In was about 7:30 p.m., Justin wasn't home from work yet (NOT the magical part!!!)......
Mr. Grant was fast asleep, Kiersten and Logan both fell asleep on the couch after eating their favorite candy bars, as we talked about the night Jesus was born. Hunter on the other hand could not contain his excitement! We had planned to drive around and look at the lights, but with Justin not home and three kids asleep already that didn't make much sense.
Grammie Cluff had given us a reindeer whistle that you blow outside your house once you are ready for bed so Santa and his reindeer know your house is ready. Hunter and I went outside to blow the special whistle.............then the magical thing happened..........
The magic of Christmas that was in Hunter's eyes as he pointed it out to me................this moment was more then I could have wished for this Christmas..............just Priceless!
We could even slightly see the outline of Santa's sleigh being pulled by the bright red light. We both jumped up and down with pure excitement............okay truth be told I inherited my dads love of Christmas!
Hunter insisted on waking up Kiersten so she could see it and so she could blow the whistle...........when we had got back outside Rudolph's bright red nose was closer then before...........we had to rush to get to bed......
YIKES we forgot cookies.......
Hunter ran, and I mean RAN, to find oreos and a glass of milk for the Jolly Old Man!
Hunter really wished his dad was home so I let him call Justin to tell him the thrilling news............Hunter then called each Grammie to tell them the excitement as well.
It was such a magical moment!
Santa brought the kids and us each one gift.............$100. The money was to help pay for our Utah trip............but the kids were just excited to hold a $100 bill.
Hunter's To Cherish
Browny Bear had a new music box put in him............Thank You Grammie Boswell for changing out the bad one with a new one for me. Hunter got this Teddy bear when he was a newborn and he sleeps with it every night. He tells me all the time that he is going to keep it forever and when he is a grandpa he will have it at his house for his grand kids to sleep with..................so cute. Hunter is such a deep thinker!
Tearing away...........
With only Three presents each it made watching each other open presents more fun.
Logan's To Use
He got riding gear..........
a complete set, jersey, pants, and riding boots.
He was so excited!
Kiersten's To Amuse
The camera she asked Santa for...................she said she was happy that her mom had gotten her the camera instead of Santa because I probably picked out a better one then Santa would have.
She is a blooming photographer!
Kiersten's To Use
She got Hot Pink riding gear and was thrilled!
Kiersten's To Cherish
She got a Caboodle with some makeup in it that can only be used for dance recitals and competitions! She will start going to dance competitions this semester and I figured she should have her own makeup so mine doesn't get drug around. In that box as well was a new fuffy robe just like she had been wanting. These were her "To Cherish" gifts because she as well as our family, Cherish watching her dance!
Hunter's To Amuse
A Big Lego Set...........just what he wanted.
Hunter LOVES legos and he is really good at building them. Infact we need to get more shevles for his room to fit all his completed Legos.
Logan's To Amuse
He got more Rokenbok like he did for his birthday.
These toys are amazing and just like his Daddy's trucks at work so Logan of course LOVES them! They were havng a great deal on them so Logan got luck and got twice as much stuff.
Santa just couldn't resist at least bringing ONE toy to the Cluff house............
so Mr. Grant got this car from Santa along with $50. Man does Santa do a great job at keeping things fair!
Mr. Grant was in heaven as the kids each pushed him around the house all day!
Hunter's To Use
Low and Behold....Hunter got riding gear as well. It's crazy that we have been riding quads for many many years and the kids have never had riding gear. Hunter was so excited............especially about the riding boots. I was excited because it just adds a bit of protection when you have the right gear on.
Logan's To Cherish
And Cherish it he will. I wish I would have captured his initial reacting on camera.............well it's on video I guess. He was more excited about his own violin then ANYTHING else. He was just as excited to find out that he will get to have 15 min lessons on Fridays by Kim Skinner. So he'll get to go with the big kids when they go for their violin lessons each Friday morning. Logan has such a love for music. He is constantly singing and loves to listen to music.
Logan even turned down playing with his buddy Ryker because he "needed to practice his biolin."
Riding Gear and violin in hand.............Ready To CONQUER the World!
Sorry Mr. Grant he just got a pair of shoes for his To Use gift. Maybe next year you'll get riding gear?
Looking Great Kids...........now we are ready to ride!
There was a note from Santa hidden in the Christmas tree!
Oh what excitement and joy Santa's letter brought to the kids! Kiersten and Hunter took turns reading the pages!
It basically said that the money was for our Utah trip but if we ended up not going on the trip then use the money for something fun! The kids loved the P.S. part ..........."Sorry about the bites out of the paper........Rudolf got a little hungry!"
The kids just loved reading that and seeing the bites out of Santa's letters!
Mr. Grant was a sleepy head and missed the other kids opening their gifts............so he got full attention when it was his turn. He did enjoy riping the wrapping paper off his gifts.
He also got a pair of shoes and for his To Cherish Gift some learning videos.......... because we all cherish the ability to read!
It was a wonderful Christmas and even though the kids still got a lot our whole Christmas Season was filled with the Spirit of Christ and of giving, instead of the usual wish lists! I think we will continue the Three Gifts next year for Christmas and I am going to try harder to make it really just ONE gift in each box. We deciding on the Three Gift Idea after i had already gotten several things for the kids............but this was definitely our most Christ Centered Christmas yet! There is always room for improvement but I think we are now on the right track as far as Celebrating Christmas goes!
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