So my day yesterday was hectic to say the least...
Typical morning getting all the kids ready(5:45a.m.)....
.....piano & violin practicing for Kiersten and Hunter every morning...
......they read 30 minutes every morning because our afternoons are so busy.....
....We, the PTO, were putting on a luncheon for the teachers yesteday for Teacher Appreciation Week...
....Take the little boys to Wendy's while I go to the gym (7:50).....
....Stop by Bashas on the way home from the gym to get stuff for the salad for the luncheon(9:15)...
...Get home, get the boys, shower, get ready(10:15)....
....make the salad for the teachers(10:30)....
....go to town to pick up the rest of the food for the luncheon(10:45)....
.....deliver the food to the school(11:15).....
...get Hunter out of school to come help me take Spike, our pet Bearded Dragon, to Logan's preschool class for Pet Week!(12:00)...
.....Go get Spike from home.....
....Take Logan, Ryker, Hunter, Mr. Grant and Spike to preschool to show all the kids...
...Take Spike home (Thank You Hunter)...
...Take Hunter back to school(1:30p.m.)....
....After school I had my Activity Day girls over, my assistant was gone and we were making cookies AND making a gift for their Teacher's(3:45).....
....My sweet Mother-in-law came and picked up Hunter (and kept Logan with her) to take him to Archery (and back home), which is the same time as my Activity days(4:00-5:00)..... Activity Days done...had fun....
...Took all the girls home(5:20)....
....took Kiersten, Hunter and Logan to dance...Hip Hop Class(6:00).....
...Went to visit my mom(6:20)...
....picked kids up(7:00).....
...take Kiersten by Hibbet Sports to get some funky socks like her BFF(7:10).....
....grabbed dinner at Taco Bell(7:30)....
...Got home got kids ready for bed(8:20)....
....Justin had called and says he'll be working late....nothing new....
I was on my last leg....
I was tired and my energy had just been used up.
So my sweet Hunter decides it's the night he is going to keep coming out of bed to ask me questions...
Then I went back in and apologized and explained how I was really tired and it was now 9:00 p.m. and Dad wasn't home yet and that I had had a SUPER busy day and I just needed him to GO TO BED....I told him I LOVED HIM!
Went to bed around 10:00....still no sign of Justin :(
And that was the last I saw of Hunter until 6:02 this morning....
...when I woke up to him saying, "SURPRISE MOM!"
and Breakfast in Bed!
Don't you LOVE his card!
It melted my heart and all day I have thought how I am truly not worthy to be the mother of such sweet children!
He knows my favorite cereal is Bashas brand granola and my favorite drink (since giving up Pepsi, yes Aunt Carol I am 2 months sober off caffeine....shocking I know!) is Ice Water.
It was great to wake up to....
Breakfast in Bed....... a husband that came home sometime in the night..... and a very handsome smiling seven year old boy! THANK YOU HUNTER!!!
That is SO sweet! But when I try to add it up there's not enough hours in a day to do all that you did that day. You must be super mom! :)
That was the CUTEST card ever!! You have obviously done a great job in raising your kids for Hunter to think of such a sweet thing for you!!
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