Tuesday, January 7, 2014

We had our baby and it's a…..

We could not be happier!!
Ella Jane was born on January 7th @ 3:42 a.m.
She was 8 lbs 4 oz. and 20 1/2 inches long.
Born at Banner Gateway Hospital in Gilbert.

We were scheduled to be induced on Monday January 6th at 3:00 p.m.
Justin and I were eating breakfast at IHop that morning and got a call around 10:00.  It was the hospital and I was sure it was them pushing our induction time back.  But they were actually calling to ask us to come in early…yay!
We finished our breakfast and went back to our hotel room to get our bags. We got checked into our room around 12:00 and got one dose of gel to get things moving along.  I was at a 3 when we got to the hospital.  The gel helped a little and I got to 4 cm.  It was around 6:00 when they decided to put me on piton  so I got my epidural first!  Yay!  Thank heavens for epidurals!!!
I was progressing slowly but with the epidural I was able to get some rest.  We kind of just hung out and tried to relax as much as we could.  
I was trying to mentally get ready for the marathon.  I usually push for over 2 hours when I have a  baby so I knew I'd need all the energy I could get.  Although I was hopeful that things would be easier since I did CrossFit my entire pregnancy!
At 3:00 a.m. the nurse checked me and I was at a 9.  Dr.  Kudinski was called and she was actually already on her way to the hospital.  Once she got there she came in and checked me and I was at a 10 and ready to PUSH!

I started pushing!  My contractions were so spread out that I was actually pushing and then resting for about 3-5 minutes in-between.  I was so worried that it was going to take like 3 hours to get this baby out.  Usually my contractions are much closer together and I still am pushing for 2 hours.  So I was really concerned!!
I ended up pushing for only 30 minutes and baby was out!  We were all in shock!!!  CrossFit more then paid off!!
When Dr. Kudlinski announced we had a baby girl, we all just started crying!
I was just overwhelmed with PURE JOY!

A couple of years ago when Justin and I were debating having another baby we took a trip to New York City.  While we were there we did a session at the New York Temple.  During that session I was really praying for an answered to whether we should try for another baby or not.  
That was the question weighing heavy on my heart as we entered the temple.  
When I got the name of the person I would be doing the temple work for I knew I had my answer.  The name of the person was "Jane" and I felt an overwhelming feeling that there was a little girl up in heaven just waiting to come to our family!  The answer was as strong as I could have imagined!  
And so our journey to get this sweet baby girl began.
We were not prepared for the bumps in the road, but we wouldn't change it for the world. 

When Dr. Kudlinski was cleaning me up she asked me if we had a name picked out.  I told her yes "Ella Jane."  She then asked me if Jane was a family name.  I went on to tell her that it was.  I am the youngest girl and my name is Rebecca Jane.  My mom is the youngest girl and her name is Susie Jane.  My Grandma's name was Iva Jane and so Ella is our youngest girl and she's the forth generation of Jane as the middle name.
After I told her that she couldn't believe it.  She said what a coincident….her name is Susan Jane Kudlinski, her mother and grandmas middle names are also Jane.  Her only daughters middle name is also Jane.  So they have a four generation of Jane's just like us!
What are the odds of that!  Such a cool thing that just added to Ella Jane's birth story.

All middle name Jane girls!

Dr. Kudlinski has delivered all 5 of our kids!
As she was cleaning me up we talked about that.  I thanked her for being such a wonderful doctor!
She said how rare it is that she would deliver all of someones kids……it just doesn't happen that often.
We have been so grateful she was our doctor each and every time.  With Logan she wasn't the doctor on call but she came in to deliver him any way!  How many people can say that about their doctor?

I've known in my head and heart, my entire pregnancy, that we would have a girl.  I just knew it!  
Once she came out I felt such a feeling of completeness!  
Justin was such a great coach!
He just bawled when Ella made her arrival.

Grandma Boswell was also there.  She has been with us during each of our kids births.  It's been such a blessing!  She gives the best foot rubs anyone could ask for.  She actually stayed with us until we were released from the hospital.  It was so nice to have her be with us!
Huge thank you to my sweet mother in law, for keeping our kids.  It's so nice to know they are well taken care of!

Ella was my biggest baby and I pushed about a forth of the time.  That seems crazy!

What a beautiful baby girl we have!

OMGoodness!  I knew I'd be excited to have pink in the house again 
but I didn't know I'd be this excited!  Bows and bracelets….yay!
It's amazing that in an instant you can be in complete love with someone!
I am totally in love with this sweet baby!
Justin has already said, "Miss Ella has me whooped already!" She was only 2 weeks old when he said that.

1 comment:

karly from [kar[+]wade] said...

Seriously! She is perfect! I love her name and everything! So cute!