Sunday, December 28, 2014

Checking Out Utah's ER

What would a vacation be like without a trip to the ER?

Yeah I have no idea because we often seen to fit it in to our vacations.
Yes this was a place we visited while in Utah.

This little guy proved to be extremely tough today!  
Our plans for today was for Justin to drop the kids and I off at the children's museum in Salt Lake while he went to Tooele to visit Grandma and Grandpa B.
As we walked outside our hotel to load up in the van this morning it was FREEZING!  Honestly, it was like 7 degrees!  Grant had his hands in his coat pocket.  He tripped over a huge landscape bolder and since his hands were in his pockets the first thing to hit was his forehead.

There was a TON OF BLOOD!  I grabbed Grant and rushed back in to the lobby of the hotel to get a better look.  I knew right away that he would need stitches!  Justin found the closest ER and luckily for us there weren't busy at all.
Mr. Grant was so very brave!  The doctor told us often with kids his age they have to use a bed sheet to restrain them to the bed to get the numbing shots because they often won't hold still enough.  We explained that to Grant in 5 year old terms.  Justin and I were ready to use our own weight to hold him down if needed, but we didn't even have to.  As the doctor gave him 7 shots in his forehead and lower eye area he laid there as still as a board.  We could not believe it!!!  He scream don't get me wrong, but he did not move a muscle!

He got 7 stitches in his forehead and 2 to his lower eye area.  He really could have used a stitch or two on the part right above his eyebrow.  Even the nurse questioned the doctor twice on if they shouldn't just put some stitches in there as well.  The doctor insisted it didn't need it.  But after a full day of it bleeding from there we had to get a butterfly bandage to keep it closed.  I'd say a stitch would have been nice!

After I took this picture I showed it to Grant and told him that the nurse photobombed his picture.  He thought it was so funny!

This hospital had blue slushies!  Grant was pretty excited about that part! What a guy giving me a smile and everything!

Man it was so very sad to see Grant get hurt!  I cried myself.  He was so good and brave through it all.  Love this tough guy!

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