Saturday, January 17, 2015

Scouting Snow Trip

This was Hunter's first big scouting trip as an 11 year old scout.  He was so excited about going.  Brother Madsen and Brother Milsap took the boys up on Mt. Graham to do some sledding.  They left around 11:00 and got home around 5:00.  When Brother Madsen brought Hunter home, he walked him inside the house.  My first thought was, "Oh no there was a problem on their trip." I was thinking a fight or misunderstanding with another boy.  But then I saw Hunter's right arm in a sling.  
Brother Madsen told me that Hunter had wrecked while sledding with Austen Ashby, Hunter's really good friend.  He told me that Hunter had sprang his wrist.
Ok, I thought, no big deal.  Then Brother Madsen asks for the sling back so he could keep it with his first aid things.  They took the sling off and I immediately knew that it was no sprang wrist!! It was INDEED a broken arm that would need to be set!!!  

Look at that disfigurement!!
The major reason behind Brother Madsen not thinking Hunter's arm was broke was because Hunter never cried.  Not only did he not cry but he sat for 2 hours while the other boys finished sledding.  Hunter never complained once, his scout leader said.  So he told Hunter there was no way his arm could be broken.  If it was broken Hunter would be crying and in so much pain he could hardly talk.....according to Brother Madsen. 

Well the minute I saw Hunter's arm I knew.  But I didn't say anything till Brother Madsen left.  Then I told Hunter that his arm was for sure broken.  You just can't make your bones disfigured like that without a fracture in one bone.  Hunter agreed.  He said "I knew it was broken when it happened."  I asked Hunter, "why didn't you tell the leaders that you needed to come home?"  His reply is priceless, "Because I didn't want to ruin the other boys time sledding!"
I was blown away by his answer.  But it was so genuine.  Hunter said he knew if he complained that they would make everyone load up and leave.  Plus Hunter said, 'It wasn't hurting that bad, just a little."
Brother Madsen did come back after dropping off the other boys.  I had everyone loading in the van and we were driving away.  We stopped and talked to Brother Madsen and he agreed that it would be a good idea to get it checked out.

Hunter didn't even want to go to the ER, he was tired and wanted to stay home to relax and watch some TV first.  I told him no that we needed to go now so that we weren't there till the wee hours of the night.  He was happy to get to watch some b-ball while at the ER!

Not only was Hunter's arm broken, Dr. Bryce had to come to the ER to set Hunter's bone back in place!  This meant Hunter had to be put to sleep.  Everyone that we told the story to at the ER could not believe Hunter just waited for 2 hours for the other boys to finish sledding.

Hunter just has an AMAZING tolerance for pain!
This is the third time he has broken a bone.  First time he walked on the broken foot for a week before I took him in.  He never complained I just took him that time because I noticed him walking funny.  The second time he broke his right arm while we were at a waterpark resort.  The paramedics checked him out when he fell.  After they examined Hunter's arm they told us they were pretty sure it wasn't broken because Hunter would be in more pain.
We, knowing Hunter's high pain tolerance, decided to take him to the ER any way.  Sure enough it was a clean break!  The doctors were amazed then at his high tolerance for pain.  Those two breaks happened when he was only 5 years old.  I think this experience is proof that Hunter's tolerance for pain must be growing just like he is! 

The next day at church Brother Madsen could not believe that Hunter's arm really was broken that whole time and that he also had to have it set back into place.  It makes for a great story for Hunter to tell for sure!  Several of the boys from Hunter's scout group made him cookies or brought by get well gifts.  They were all so sweet to him!
Hunter's fingers did swell quite a bit, as you can see from this picture.  The big bummer was that basketball season just started a week ago.  Hunter is on a really good team this year.  His coach has extra practice and everything.  I was surprised that when Hunter figured out that this would mean a cast for almost the entire season he remained positive.  In fact he said, "Well maybe I will end up being a better player because I can get good at shooting and dribbling left handed."
What a proud (and very sad) day to be Hunter's mom!
He is such a great kid!
I'm really sorry this happened to him, but I am beaming with joy at how he handled it all!  What a tuff guy!

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