Friday, July 17, 2009


Oh Logan!!! There is a story behind the word "Hotdog" at our house. Logan got on this kick of saying, "Poopy" to everyone for every reason. We would be at Walmart and he would tell anyone that talked to him that they were "poopy." As you could imagine it wasn't the cutest thing to hear him say. So "poopy" became a bad word at our house, so we told Logan to say "Hotdog" instead. We thought it would help him have something else to remember to say but never thought it would stick or we might have thought longer about our word choice. However, it has stuck! He calls everyone a "HOTDOG!" He thinks it is the funniest thing in the world and just laughs when he says it! He even called Dr. Christensen a "Hotdog" at our last appointment. Drew got quite the kick out of it and said it was the first time he had been called that but it was better then what he usually gets called. Grandma with the dogs (Christi) got this shirt for Logan. What a wonderful, thoughtful Grandma. Logan was in heaven! He wore it all day and begged to wear it to bed cause he loves it so much.
What a character!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

he is seriously the cutiest boy ( dont tell my boy i said that) i loved him in the parade with his overalls, Halerious and so adorable!