Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Sweet Little Features

What sweet little features Grant has. I could just look at him all day long and be happy! I love his little Cluff button nose and rose bud lips! So precious! So far Grant is still being a very happy baby and we are loving it!!! We know that you really have to wait until the 3-4 week mark to really tell if your baby is going to be good so we are trying not to get our hopes up completely. But we have really loved having a newborn this time! I can't believe how much easier a baby is when they aren't colicky!!! We did get a bit of bad news, or what could end up being bad news. Grant's pku test came back and showed a under active thyroid. So yesterday I had to take him to get his blood was so sad. The lady that did it was super sweet and kept apologizing for hurting Grant. She had to stick him twice and the second time she really had to fish around with the needle to find his vein. By the end both Grant and I were in tears! I decided if Grant needs anymore blood drawn that's a job for DAD! We should hear back from our Dr. in a week or less. Hopefully it's not something very serious.
His perfect little ear! Sweet hands! So tiny!
Logan tells me everyday how much he likes his "Lil' Friends" toes and feet.

1 comment:

BiggsFamily said...

Hey Becky, Its mary biggs, hope you don't mind I found your blog and just wanted to tell you that your little new guy is so adorable!! I am so excited for your family to have another sweet little bundle and I am glad that he is such a good baby!!