Monday, April 22, 2013

Are You Serious?

Kiersten has some luck I tell ya!
 She got invited over to the Smith's house on a Thursday night for a party (which is like Friday for our kids since they don't have school on Fridays).  It was Chase's friends at the party for the most past.....they are all in the 8th grade and then there was Kiersten and Maranda Smith both who are in the 6th grade.  
So Kiersten was excited of course since it was so many older kids.  They were all having a great time just messing around.  At some point they were all playing chase or hide-n-seek in the house.  Yes Tressie and Jason were home and they were letting the kids play this game.  
Kiersten was running in the hallway and ran into the bathroom to hide from Chase.   She was not aware that earlier in the evening Melanie (8) and Ashley (10) had made a huge mess in the bathroom.  It consisted of them washing their dolls in the sink with soap and water.  Of course they let in overflow onto the floor making the bathroom floor a big slippery mess!
So Kiersten comes running into the bathroom and slips on the wet, soapy floor and lands on her right elbow.
Because there were so many older kids Kiersten holds in the pain and doesn't make a fuss about her elbow.  She not only didn't cry, even though she said she really felt like it, but she stayed at the party.
When Tressie walked her home I was already asleep.  She stayed up most of the night because her arm/elbow was hurting so bad.
I asked her why she didn't wake me up she said, " I came into your room to wake you up but you looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake you!"  Needless to say we had a long talk about waking me up next time!!

The next morning around 11:00 I decided to take her to get it checked out because she was holding her right arm with her left arm and wouldn't let it hang down at all.
I took her to the Urgent Care because they have an x-ray machine there.  We were both surprised when the doctor came back in and said it was "fracture in the growth plate of her elbow!"
I guess I was so surprised because Kiersten was tough enough to stay at that party after she broke her elbow.
I told Tressie when we were headed to the Urgent Care but she acted like there was no way it could be broken because Kiersten not only did not cry but she didn't even complain about it.  Plus she stayed at their house for hours after in happened.  When I called Tressie and told her the news from the Urgent Care doctor she was in shock!!!  And she felt extremely bad about it!

Kiersten had to wear a hard splint for a few days and then go see Dr. Bryce the orthopedic surgeon.  
When the doctor told Kiersten that her elbow was broke she just started bawling.  He felt so bad and thought it was because she had been in so much pain.  She was actually just very upset that she would break her elbow one week before her end of the year gymnastic show!
Kiersten had gotten her unassisted back handspring down.  I had even let her take about 5 private lessons to help her get it down because she was working so hard on that skill.  
She was so proud of herself for getting it down and then this happens a week before the show.
My heart just broke for her!!! 

At first we thought she might have her cast on for her dance competition and dance recital.  It was a hard thing to think about to this dedicated girl of ours.  But lucky enough Kiersten was able to get her cast off the week of competition and the week before the dance recital. 
She had to the cast for 5 weeks.

The whole situation was a sad deal.  But I was amazed at Kiersten's sweetness and strength through out it all.

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