Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Chiricahua National Monument

So after a couple of months of being cooped up in the house with a newborn I decided we had to get out of the house.  I've been out of the house a little, church meetings, Walmart and visiting my mom.  But never with all 5 kids.  We've been keeping Ella home from church to hopefully get past the flu and RSV season without her getting sick.  So I was going stir crazy to say the least.  It was Spring Break and I wanted to do something outside with the kids.  I decided I needed to prove to myself that I could indeed take all 5 kids, by myself to do something.

I decided to take the kids hiking at the Chiricahua's.  They are only about an hour and a half drive away.  Since Ella doesn't totally love the car that's about as far as I wanted to go.  She ended up doing really good and slept on the ride there and back thank goodness! 

The kids had never been here and they were thrilled to see these amazing rock formations.  They didn't really know what to expect so they were surprised!

Grant was quite the hiker and didn't complain much until the very end.  But after hiking about 2 miles when you're 4 you deserve to complain a little.  He soon stopped once he knew there was no possibility that I was going to carry him.

We were the talk of the trails.  There were very few people who didn't comment on me and my 5 kids out hiking.  I guess taking 5 kids, including a 2 month old is rare and deems you as being "brave" and "amazing."  It got quite comical because so many people mentioned it to us.  Everyone was nice about it of course but so many people commented.  Even the kids were asking me why are people acting like it's crazy to see us hiking.  Mostly I think it was the fact that I had a 2 month old and that I didn't have my husband with me that really surprised people.  
Don't know if I am "brave" or "amazing" but crazy yes I am!

We went to the Grottos at Echo Canyon.

The kids LOVED exploring the Grottos!

Had a great day getting some exercise.  It felt so good to be out of the house for most of the day.  

Love my kids!

Kiersten took this picture.  There was a little cave in the rock that had a lookout.  This is the view looking out.  Turned out really cool!  It is such a beautiful place!

Such great hikers these kids were.  We already started talking about making another trip back with Justin when Ella is a little older and can ride in the hiking backpack.  The kids would like to go on a longer hike!

Little Ella Jane was an angel and slept the entire time.  What a sweet face to look down on during the hike!

Kiersten rewarded Grant for being such a great hiker by giving him a piggy back ride that last little ways to the van.  It was a great day!  Beautiful day for a hike!  I felt accomplished after venturing out  with all 5 kids and it being such a success!

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