Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Mexico Part 2

So in total Cluff style or should I say "Hunter style" he found the first ground hog the group has ever seen in Mexico!

This would be my nice little ice chest I had just purchased this day....to hold drinks for down at the beach.  Yes we are total armatures at the beach thing and we didn't bring an ice chest to take down to the beach! By the end of this trip we had a whole list of things to bring for next time!

Leave it to Hunter and Gavin to trap and capture a ground hog!
They were so proud and had a blast showing everyone!  We did make them let it go.........I'm a nice mom but I needed my ice chest back.

Oh My Goodness this little guy just had a ball every day on this vacation! 
 He made friends with all the kids and I am pretty sure he wants Bodie Rogers to be his brother! 
 He LOVES Bodie now!

Of course Kiersten had to get her hair braided!  I insisted on it..... that way I didn't have to comb or do it for the whole trip!  She can rock the braids for sure!  Justin kept calling her, "Shenika!"

One day all the "men" went on a fishing trip.  The boys were very excited about this!

Here is Hunter reeling in his big catch!

Hunter caught a nice sea bass........this wasn't even his biggest catch just the only one his dad took a picture of!  Both Logan and Hunter caught 6 sea bass.  Justin caught 3 or so as well.  Pretty good I'd say!  Doesn't matter the size of the fish, just as long as the fish are biting it's a good day fishing!  

Here is Mike Ajamin......with his big trigger fish!

Everyone caught at least one fish so it was a successful trip.  The staff fixes ceviche with some of the fish that's been caught.  How cool is that!

From the looks of it these guys worked hard catching all their fish!
The Ajamin men and Logan all tuckered out!

This picture is proof that the fishing trip was GREAT...........This ice chest was completely full I was told!

I walked over to take a picture of these guys going on a red shark ride and Justin Mack talked me in to jumping on and going with them.  It was a BLAST!!!  Heather Mack was hilarious and she might have rubbed herself down with baby oil right before getting on cause she could not stay on to save her life!!!  I laughed so hard my sides hurt!  And my swim suit might or might not have been completely up my butt 90% of the ride!  Hilarious!
Justin and Heather Mack, Terry and Shaylyn Earp, myself and several or our kids enjoyed this ride!

Maranda, Savannah Turley and Kiersten
Kiersten really enjoyed getting to know Savannah!

Little Miss Ella hanging like a bat on the beach!  She is such a funny baby!  Loves to hang upside down like a bat!  That's a pretty handsome looking guy holding her I'd say!!!  What a hottie!!!

So glad we made this trip work!  It was just what both Justin and I needed!

I absolutely love this sweet family of mine!

The kids had so much fun!  It always amazes me how entertained everyone can be playing on the beach and ocean!  So fun!

I would have never guessed in a million years that I would be blessed with these 5 amazing kids!
It's crazy at times but they make my life complete!

Good looking' family!

Logan is showing off his Mexico treasures.....he got these two Day of the Dead skulls (Dia de los Muertos).  Doesn't he look awesome in his new Mexican sombrero!  He is such a cute kid!  Always making us laugh! 

Grant and I were thrilled when we found out the Candy Guy comes down the beach once a day!  He has a ton of yummy candy and treats!  Super glad we were chill in' on the beach when he came by!

Who wouldn't get excited when they saw this coming down the beach!

This is one happy 4 year old! Sandy beach, ocean waves and a cup of candy.......what more could he ask for!
I just LOVE this picture of Grant!  The picture makes me happy and reminds me of our wonderful trip on Mexico!

A guy came walking down the beach selling these one day.  Hunter didn't see one he was in love with.........he was hoping to find a solid purple one.  So the guy said he'd make him one that night and he'd be back the following day.  Sure enough he did............ Hunter was happy, happy, happy!
Pretty awesome skull I'd say!
Hunter did a good job bartering with the guy to get the price down............Hunter talked the guy in to selling it for $10.......and a Pepsi!

Oh My Goodness I could love on this girl all day long!  Isn't she the sweetest thing!

Ella loved the beach life!  Most days in Mexico she took a 3-4 hour nap.  Justin was a trooper.....hahaha......and he volunteered to nap with her and stay in the toy hauler tip she woke up!  It worked out nice.... Justin got his daily nap and I got time on the beach without a 5 month old!  Ella really was a good baby on this whole trip.  On both the drive to Rocky Pointe and back home she was an absolute angel............we hardly knew she was in the truck!

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