Sunday, June 14, 2015

Huntington Beach

One last trip to the beach before our Italian boy returns home to Italy!

It was pretty cool and gloomy but that didn't stop these crazy boogie boarders!

I have to admit I did not brave the cold water this trip. I stayed dry on the beach, read a book and made drip castles with the kids!


This was some cool surf board art on the board walk. 

We rented this ham board and had so much fun on it. 

Silvio was so funny to watch!  He thought these were super cool!

Kiersten was a natural of course. 

We switched for a small board just to give it a try. But we all liked the long board better. 

The beach house had a fewbikes and we used them everyday!  We loved riding them up and down the board walk. 

See look at that smiling kid!  He had a great time!  Not sure what we are going to do without him!

And yes I had to try it myself!  It was a blast!,

I love my Kiersten! Only 13 and gorgeous as ever!!!

Not sure what was going on but all these crabs were dead on the beach.

Kids found one alive and rescued it and put it back into the ocean.  After they examined and watched it of course.

Mermaid pictures on the beach are a must with these silly boys!

Grant was so very upset that I made sand boobies on him.  He almost started to cry he got so!  We were all dying laughing at him!

Then there is he fully embraced the mermaid look!  The seaweed as hair was totally his idea.What a character!

They kids all loved making the drip castles!  It took some time to get good at making them.

But it wasn't long before the kids were experts.

If you are in the Huntington Beach area you gotta try this place!

This cinnamon roll float was the BOMB!

The food at this Taco Shop was amazing!

This trip we learned to make drip castles!  It was so much fun!  I was looking up fun free things to do with kids in California and drip castles came up so we tried making them.  

We had several people stop and ask us to show them how we were making them.

Look at my boys..... oh how I love them!

What a stud!  It was super cold and somehow we lost our wetsuits from the last trip to San Diego.  So I told the kids they could choose either new wetsuits so they would be warmer while at the beach or we could go to Legoland for a day.  They were having so much fun at the beach that they opted for the wetsuits!

Sweet drip castle Hunter!

We went to the La Jolla tide pools.....

It was beautiful but we were disappointed with the creatures that we saw.  I guess a lot of the starfish, sea cucumbers and other sea creatures have died off in this area.  Makes me super sad.

But we had a fun time exploring just the same!

These sea cucumber shells were our favorite!

How cool are those!

Logan was a great explorer!

Ever Silvio got in to it.  Even though he felt like he pulled a muscle while we were there.  He was a trooper!

Look at brave Kiersten holding the little crabs!

Oh how I wish we could make monthly trips to the beach!  It's just good for my soul!!

The kids were sad that we would be traveling home on Sunday.  Which is Father's Day and Justin's Birthday.

So we took these pictures to send to him.

They are such good kids and they really love their dad!

More drip castles....

Making drip castles really is hypnotizing!

This picture makes my heart happy!  
Missing Little Miss Ella, but she would not have liked the freezing cold water.  Thanks to my mom for keeping her for me.  It made this trip much easier, especially considering it was 5 kids against just me to begin!

Kiersten and Hunter built a fortress!

It always amazes me how entertaining the beach is!

Just mix the sand with some water to make a slurie mixture and then grab some in your hand.  Then let it slowly drip out of your hand with your thumb faced toward the ground.  There you have Drip Castles!

Waves got a little too big for this boogie boarder!  Poor Logie!

One day we went and explored Bolboa Island, after the tide pools.

One day we road the bikes and scooters to The Park Bench Cafe.  It was a 2 1/2 mile ride one way!!!  Boy were we hungry when we got there.....but it was so worth it!

We really enjoyed the beach bikes!

The food was AMAZING!!!

Seriously everything we tried here was delicious and HUGE!

The Pier is always fun to walk out on.

Logan picked out this princess hat.  I have a feeling Hunter might steal it from him!

Poor Silvio's calf started really bothering him.  So I took him to an Urgent Care Thursday night.  The doctor listened to us and examined his calf.  It was decided that he has a small stomach bug (Which makes sense because Logan has a stomach bug the day before we left for this trip) and it looks like he has pulled a muscle.  Which the doctor said can be really painful and take weeks to heal.  This was not what we wanted to hear.  We got the icy hot cream the doctor recommended and I started giving Silvio massages whenever he needed them.  Sure how he feel like going to Disneyland with us.  I already got his ticket and we hate to see him not feeling good!
Other then Silvio starting to feel icky this trip has been a ton of fun!!!

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