Monday, February 27, 2017

Best First Born Ever!!!

Kiersten was inducted in to the National Honors Society tonight!  What an outstanding accomplishment as a sophomore in high school. In the Pima Rex Allred Chapter 24 students applied and only 8 were chosen. 


Hadley, Trae, Cassidy, Emily, Samuel, 
Kiersten, KristiAnna, Carlee, Morgan


Such a proud parent moment!  Ella insisted on being in the picture with us. 
Kiersten exemplifies all the qualities the National Honors Society requires. 

Induction Pledge

I pledge to maintain
my high scholastic standing,
To hold as fundamental and worthy
an untarnished character,
To endeavor intelligently and courageously
to be a leader,
And give myself freely in service of others,
And in so doing,
I shall prove myself worthy of a place
in the National Honors Society. 


I truly am blessed to be Kiersten's mom. She is smart, determined, grateful, dedicated, she has a kind heart, she is compassionate and caring, she is funny and has just enough airheadedness to give us a good laugh every now and then. She has a strong testimony, sets her values high and doesn't compromise in the face of the adversary. 
I often find myself thinking Kiersten is raising!  She is a much better teenager than I was. I could go on and on about this girl!!!
I am so grateful for her example to us all!!! 
Thanks for being amazing! Way to go!
We are so proud of you Kiersten!!!

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