Sunday, September 21, 2008

Chicago Temple

I was able to go do a session at the Chicago Temple before I came home. It was one of the most personal testimony building experiences I have had in the temple. The peace and comfort I felt there while I sat in the celestial room was overwhelming. I know I will remember that experience for a lifetime. How grateful I am for my testimony of the Savior and my Heavenly Fathers plan. I am grateful for the atonement and the healing that I know can come with using the atonement in our lives. Sometimes the battle seems long, sometimes too long, but I am thankful for the good days! It was wonderful to talk with Father and to feel of his love, it was hard to leave! I wish I could bottle up those feelings and open them up to feel them again on those hard days.


Shawna said...

Looks like such a wonderful trip! I have always wanted to go to Chicago, especially lately since Cheej served his mission there. Your sister and her family seem so awesome!

Donelle said...

Love the temple and the experiences we have there are the best. So glad you were able to get in a session :)