Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Training Wheels are OFF.............

Hunter just decided he wanted his training wheels off and he could do it by himself he said. To be honest I thought it was going to be a disaster. When he rode his bike with the training wheels on it didn't seem like he would be ready for them to come off anytime soon. I took them off and took about 5 minutes telling him a few techniques and AWAY HE WENT!

I couldn't believe he just took off and boom he could ride his bike. He is growning up so much I hate it. While I was gone to Chicago my Wonderful Mother-in-law even taught him how to tie his shoes. He was so excited to show me when I got off the plane. Five year olds learn some fun stuff Hunter said.

What A Stud!

We tricked Justin when he got home from a meeting. Hunter asked him if he could help him learn to ride his bike and then Hunter just took off. Justin was really surprised.

Logan said "Look Mommy I do it, I do it too!" Do you like the pink bike?


TheShumWAYS said...

Good for him. That is exactly what Porter did, gotta love it! Looks like you had a blast at all the adventures you've been up to.

Donelle said...

That is exactly how it happened with our boys. A good 5 minutes and that was all it took! Good job Hunter:)