It is picture day at school today. I decided to be nice to Logan and Grant and not make them wear polo shirts. I thought they would appreciate that. So I picked out non- collard shirts. Logan started talking about how "stupid" his clothes were, under his breath (one of my pet peeves).
After a few deep breathes, I asked him what was wrong.
He explained that it was picture day and that the clothes I had him wear weren't "nice enough for picture day!"
Shoot I thought I was doing him a favor. I went with him to his room and had him show me what he wanted to wear for pictures. Yep a shirt a tie!
After he changed clothes he said, "NOW I can impress the ladies!"
I'd say we are in for some trouble once he gets hormones!

Grant was super happy to NOT be wearing a tie! He'd wear basketball clothes every day if I let him! Ella was so stinking cute when I was trying to get pictures of the boys. She would not get out of the way......hehehehe!
Sure love these handsome boys of mine!!!
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