Monday, November 7, 2016

Girls Trip

I have been looking forward to this girls trip for months!  Thanks to Stacie for letting us crash at her beach house in San Diego. It ended up being a very hectic time to get away. Without telling me, Justin just went off his meds and then started taking double of another med. a med that's a huge upper, so he can be super hyper and energized but the crash coming down is intense. Oh how I could strangle him!
It was rough to leave but once I figured out where his rude comments were coming from and I took control of the Adderall I felt more comfortable leaving. Thanks to my sweet mother-in-law who offered to keep Ella at night so Justin wouldn't have to deal with a two year old.  It was better for both of us to have some space anyway from each other.  I needed some time to digest the hurtful things he said.  It was so shocking be spoken to like that because it is so out of character for Justin.  We have never spoken mean to each other.....EVER!  That's when I knew something must be messed up with his meds.

With in 30 minutes of arriving at the condo we had a visit from the police in the alley. Kind of exciting! 

Next morning we picked up Mary from the airport and hit up The Donut Bar! 

Makes my mouth water just looking at this picture! 

Thanks Stacie for the fun picture of myself jumping with joy on the beach!  Love having my toes in the sand and listening to the ocean waves! 

Lunch on the beach is pretty much the best! 

The sunsets are killer too! 

Stacie had just had surgery on her foot a couple of weeks earlier so when we went to the mall we pushed her around in a wheel chair.  Kind of fun for a few hours!
We shopped a lot can you tell?!? We came away with some really cute clothes!

I love these ladies right here!!!
They are both so amazing!  The best part of the trip for me was just relaxing and chatting about life and it's challenges.  Life is hard but having wonderful people in your life to help you along with way is what makes all the difference!  So grateful to have been able to get away with them.  It was just what I needed.

And believe me we had plenty of laughs!!!
This was a trip for the books for sure!

My lead foot did get me in to trouble on the way home.........dang it!!!  But the cop was very nice and brought the ticket down from going 23 miles over the speed limit IN A CONSTRUCTION ZONE, to just 5 miles over and no construction zone mentioned.  Huge difference and I was very grateful!

Thanks Stacie for inviting me on this trip and for being such a great friend!  I love you very much and look up to you in so many ways! 

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