Friday, November 4, 2016

Life Is Going To Change.....

Dramatically for us come January 16th!
Looks like this momma is going back to SCHOOOLLLL!!!
I got accepted into the program I was hoping.....yippeee!

I was so surprised by Justin when he came home with a dozen roses!
It's nice to have a husband that supports me in my goals.  We will see how supportive he is when I am writing a paper or studying for a test and he needs to make dinner.  Hahaha....not sure he's excited about that being a possibility.

Grad School here I come!
I'll be on the long track program since I plan to just take one class at a time (every 8 weeks) and probably won't do summer session.  There are a plethora of emotions I am feeling as I begin this journey.  But I am excited to see if I can handle it.  I have spend countless hours thinking about if now is the right time to start such a time consuming task.  I have prayed and prayed and prayed.  Justin and I both feel really good about the timing.  Taking it slow and see how it goes.  Once Ella is in school it will be much easier to take more classes at a time.  And hopefully by the time I am 45 years old I will be a Licensed Professional Counselor with my own practice!  That is my goal at least!

Justin might have also brought me flowers because he went off his meds without telling me.  Well went off one med and decided to increase the dose of another drug.  Wowzers!!!  So to say it's been a hell of a week would be putting it nicely..........very nicely in fact.  But I am trying to handle it well.  I got in to grad school and I am heading to California next week for a girls trip so there is much to be thankful for.  And maybe I can forget the mean things that he said as I sit on the beach.  Mean words are not Justin's normal behavior and maybe that is why it was so hard to hear them.  

Focus on the positive right?!?  That's what I am going to try and do.  I appreciated the beautiful flowers.  We are a work in progress........ everyone is!

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