Monday, March 13, 2017

Rocky Point for Spring Break

After much deliberation Justin finally decided he could take a few days off work and we could send part of spring break in Rocky Point. We were all thrilled!!! 

 We haven't been to Rocky Point for spring break in about 11 years. Church on Sunday was amazing!  It was totally full and we got there 10 minutes before sacrament meeting began. It looks more like a stake conference. But nope it's just a Sunday of spring break in Rocky Point. The chapel and over flow were jammed with vacationers and locates alike. It is wonderful to see and be apart of this. 


One of our favorite traditions is donuts from Reggies!  

Ella is a huge fan of Reggies donuts!! 


One great thing about the beach in Mexico is that everything comes to you!!! The food, the souvenirs, the massage ladies or pedicure ladies all come to you. 


My favorite part of church in Mexico is the spirit you feel when the hymn are sung. Doesn't matter the language barrier, the spirit still comes. 


Logan and Keetan chatting it up. I will further explain this cute boy Keaton in a bit. 


Everyone loves a mango with lime while sitting on the beach!!! 


Isn't this the cutest picture ever?!?  
It should be in a swimsuit magazine somewhere for sure!
Ella and Recker were the best of buddies this whole trip!!  It was the cutest thing ever! 

Ella, Hunter, Lathe, Calli, Kiersten, Shay, and Grant
(Logan and Gavin are photobombing in the kayaking)


One of my favorite pictures from this trip!!
I love my bookend girls! 
And from the looks of it, I'd say they love each other too! 


When the popsicle man walks right by you on the beach in Ella's words,
 "We need a popsicle!"


Gosh I have some gorgeous daughters!!!

Gavin and Hunter made a marble run!
They sure love the beach!  Spent the days kayaking, snorkeling, finding shells, and just having a great time! 


This trip Ella was obsessed with finding "unicorn seashells!"  It was so cute!!  She was in heaven looking for shells when the tide would go out!  


Where is Ella?!?


Grabbing some grub at Upstairs Taco!


This is another favorite picture of the trip!
The water was beautiful and the weather was perfect this trip!  
Hunter is such a great big brother.  Always so willing to entertain his little sister!


Ella LOVES Terry Earp!!!  And Terry is pretty fond of Ella! Love our Mexico family! 

Kiersten, Keaton, and Calli
Okay so this Keetan boy happens to be brother of Bodine Rogers girlfriend Shelby, from Mesa. Their family, the Steck's joined the Rogers for spring break in Mexico. 
Needless to say, The is probably Kiersten's FAVORITE trip to Rocky Point if you know what I mean!!


Gavin and Logan showing me their mad skills!


Pretty big smiles on Kiersten and Callie's faces!! Although, that Keaton boy has a big smile too! 


Sand dollar hunting is a must while in Rocky Point! 


Pina colados on the beach......ummmm yes please!!  So yummy!!

Ella Jane and Recker making a "mud castle."


Hunter and Weston Steck hit the mother load of sand dollars. They found around 50 between the two of them!! 


Logan found about 15 or so. All I know is I kept hearing Logan said, "found one" way more often then I was finding any! 

Ella had fun looking even though the water was almost up to her waist. 

When you are three you don't care about flavors of popsicles. No, what really matters is what COLOR the popsicle is!!! 
Ella was very happy about her pink popsicle! 


Hunter found lots of cool shells while snorkeling!  So cool!! 

Grant just chilling by Dallin Ajeman, who just got home off his mission because he broke his femur. We are bummed because of the circumstances but it was great to visit with him!!!  Such a stud! 

The group waiting for a banana boat ride!
Hunter, Bodine, Grant, Shelby, Gavin, Kiersten, Callie, Logan Cluff, Keaton, Weston, and Logan McMaster's 

We had some pretty happy boys!
The skate park in Rocky Point actually got finished!  The kids all loved it! Kiersten and Keaton....well they just loves hanging out together, skate park or not!

Ella Jane is a scootering fool!!!
She loves the skatepark and even let Recker take turns with her scooter! 

The Rogers brought lanterns to light on the beach and they worked this time.  
It was awesome!!!

Beautiful, fun night on the beach!
These kids were smiling from ear to ear.  There might have been some flirting going on during the lighting of the was cute!


Rocky Point has some sick graffiti!  This wall is by the dirt mall!  Isn't it awesome?!?
I sure love this family of mine!  I am so grateful Justin finally gave in and decided he could take a few days off work so we could enjoy this trip over spring break. What a sweetheart!
Although, he did admit it was a much needed break!  Even though he worked intense hours prior to us leaving and the week when we returned. There is always a price when Justin takes time off. It really isn't "taking off work," it is more like work those hours just at a different time. Oh the joys of owning your own business that most people don't realize is the reality. 


I love my Logic Bear!
This kid is the definition of fun!!!
I mean what 11 year old poses like that?!? Obviously, a fun one!


It was a wonderful trip!!
This picture defines how we all felt!  
Smiles from ear to ear!
Kiersten and Keaton got each other's cell numbers and, since I am journaling about this trip 2 weeks later, I can tell you they have a cute little long distance crush going on!  I see some trip to Mesa in our future once Kiersten turns 16. 
The Steck's are a wonderful family and we enjoyed getting to know them. We all approve of Keaton :) 

Kiersten scored big time on this trip. She not only has Keetan messaging her all the time. Logan McMaster's, who is a senior at Thatcher, is messaging her daily as well. Needless to say, this girl cannot wait to turn 16 in August!! 

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