Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Track Season

I am once again shocked to have Hunter doing track. As a young boy he thought running for "fun" was the silliest thing ever!

Logan was thrilled to find out that Pima lets 5th graders participate in track. He is loving it!  


Hunter did awesome!!  He has gotten faster and beat more people in his races than he did last year so he was happy! Hunter in a great running stance here in this picture....mid shot. 


This would be Logan, Ryker and Hayden. The three musketeers!  They ran the entire 800 together. I had to remind Logan that you don't just run with your friends when it is an actual race. You are trying to run as fast as you can. those boys! 


Ryker and Logan


I swear these two....
All I wanted was a nice picture of them. What I got was about 15 shots of them posing like this! 


Yes I meant 15 shots. But really I can't complain they are handsome boys! 


To humor them I join them in their crazy pose ideas. 
It was a fun first track meet. Weather was perfect!  Love these boys of mine!! 

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