Thursday, January 3, 2013

Scared Me to Death

It was Christmas break still and we were enjoying a few warm days.  What accompanies warm days at our house is riding quads and dirt bikes.  All the kids had been out riding all day.  Justin was actually off..........busy working on his stereo system in the basement.  I just have to say our basement is going to ROCK...literally!

Okay on with my story, I noticed I hadn't seen Mr. Grant in awhile so I started to ask all the kids if they had.  Everyone said, "No."
I stayed calm.  I looked through the house calling his name....found nothing!
We checked all the neighbors, even though it's not like him to wander to their houses without asking first.  No one had seen him.  I start to get a little anxious.  I start to think maybe he thought he could walk to the pond like the older boys had done earlier in the day.  Again not like him, but I didn't know where else to check. Kiersten and I drove around the pond but didn't see him.
I went home and asked Justin what else I should do.  By this time it had been about 45 minutes since anyone had seen him.

Just when I am starting to really get worried I glance in my bedroom (which I had already walked through several times looking for him) and I realize..... that helmet on my laundry piled couch is indeed MR. GRANT!  I wish I would have taken a picture of the whole couch so you could have seen how he blended in with all the clothes.  Boy was I relieved and dumbfounded that I didn't notice that was him earlier.  I didn't know he still had his helmet on.  Nor would I have thought he would have crawled right up on the couch and fell asleep without asking me to take it off.  

Guess all that riding wears a kid out!

So we ended up getting a good laugh out of this in the end.  And most likely several grey hairs!!

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