Saturday, January 5, 2013

Bowling Fun

We got some money from Grammy and Grampy Cluff for Christmas to spend doing something fun as a family.  We spent it several different being a night of bowling with friends!

Hunter and Rayden Ramsey

Logan and Ryker
Ryker is pretty much my forth son.  He calls me, "Second Mom."

Kiersten and Maranda

Ryker was so nice and bought Grant his own candy bar.

Justin and I decided not to bowl just take turns helping Grant bowl.
Helping a three year old bowl was enough fun for me.....ha, ha!

What a crew we had!
It was a ton of fun even though we didn't get a lane with bumpers.
Thanks Grammy and Grampy for the good time!

I love this guy!
So glad we got to spend time with him over Christmas break!

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