Tuesday, January 1, 2013

25 Days Closer to Christ

I love that for the past several years we have done an advent calendar that helps us focus on Christ throughout our Christmas season.
As busy as this time of year is, making Christ the center of it is so important to me and my family!

1.  Read "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas" and have a treat.
2.  Family Dance Night.......enjoy frozen gourmet popcorn while we show our hottest moves!
3.  Go watch Kiersten perform at the light parade and then get hot chocolate and enjoy watching the Light parade.
4.  Open up a special gift and cuddle up in mom's bed for The First Presidency's Christmas Devotional and a Christmas movie or two!
5.  Learn of the shepherd & make staff cookies.
6.  Family Fun Night.......Kiersten and Mom will be in Mesa at the Nutcracker and the boys will be at home having their bonfire.
7.  Learn of Mary while making heart chains.  Decorate our "Uncle Doyle Tree."
8.  Watch a Christmas movie while eating "Ooey Gooey Goodness".
9.  Pack your bags and your swim suit......we are staying at a hotel (with an indoor pool)!
10.  Do a family service project.
11.  Decorate gingerbread houses.
12.  Caroling with violins & then learn of the angels while enjoying hot chocolate.
13.  Go to Logan's Choir concert.
14.  Jingle Bell day & begin our "gifts for Jesus".
15.  Learn of Joseph & begin the "Large Jingle Bell Tradition".
16.  Have a Buddy the Elf party......eat pancakes with syrup and watch the movie ELF!
17.  Go to the dance recitals and eat afterwards or get ice cream depending on the time.
18.  Cluff Christmas Party at Grammy's......waffles, gift exchange and Doyle's sock.
19.  Go snowboarding and sledding in Flagstaff and learn of the Lamb and the Angel.
20.  Read short Christmas stories while at the hotel in Safford.  Oh yay, and invite a friend to come swim for a few hours too!!!
21.  Have a wise man night with Jerusalem Dinner......come in costumes provided.
22.  Drive around and look at Christmas lights in the back of dads truck.
23.  Do a secret elf service!
24.  Learn of the Wise men and back your bags because we are going to go to the North Pole.....on the Polar Express train ride!!!
25.  Learn of Jesus and pick a "gift for Jesus" to work on through out the coming year.

The kids never get tired of decorating gingerbread houses.

Kiersten looks pretty darn happy doesn't she!

Kiersten's masterpiece!

I love seeing the kids get creative!

Great job Hunter!  He really went all out with candy!

I think Logan ate every other piece of candy he picked up.  It was cute I would keep catching him with a mouth full of sweets!

Grant really got into decorating his house this year....well at least the yard!

Grant's and Logan's 


This is our Jerusalem Dinner setting

We have done this tradition for the past several years and it is one of our favorite ways to remember the reason we celebrate Christmas.
Justin and I dress as Joseph and Mary.....

The kids have costumes to dress as the three wise men.  Because our dinner involves candle light and wine glasses we've had Grant go to the neighbors while we have it.  Next year he'll be old enough to join us!
The kids go through out the house with flashlight looking for a glow in the dark star signifying for them the place the Savior has been born.
Once the kids find us we enjoy dinner of meats, cheeses, flat breads, hummus, olives, nuts and grape juice.  Then Justin (Joseph) reads from the scriptures and we discuss the events around Christ's birth.  My kids absolutely love doing this and it really sets a great atmosphere for our Christmas season.

Justin was working late so I took the kids around to friends houses to carol with their violins.
One of our favorite places to go is Sandra Smith's house.
We love seeing her Christmas tree COVERED in all those balls!

It is quite the sight!

The kids love looking at all the different glass balls she has covering her tree.

Instead of making staff cookies we decided to let the kids make these beaded staff ornaments.

Hunter even made extra for his Grammies!

Logan made his nice and colorful!
Then the kids got to put them on their Christmas trees in their rooms.

Peppp came back after missing for a night. 
The kids were very sad to not be able to find Peppp anywhere.

The next day when Peppp returned he had this note.
The kids are working harder to be good now!

These are the snow globe gifts I made for all the kids teachers, complete with a Walmart gift card and everything!  I think they turned out great!

Justin made up this jingle to go along with my teacher gifts.
Thanks Jingling Justin!!!

Our hearts are full this Christmas season!
We have so much to be grateful for!

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