Monday, December 31, 2012

The TRUE meaning of Christmas

Every year for Christmas we do a secret service for our Doyle's sock.  In honor of Justin's brother who committed suicide when he was only 16 years old.  It will be 15 years this May since he left this earth.  Some years we do something during the year or through out the year and some times we do it close to Christmas.

This year Hunter was very determined to do something himself for Doyle's sock even though Justin and I had already done something.

Hunter came up with the idea to play his violin outside of Walmart to earn money to buy gifts for a family in need.  He talked Kiersten into playing with him.  They practiced Christmas songs for weeks.
Then on Christmas Eve day I took them down to Walmart to play.  We had been so busy this month that it was the only day we could do this.  I wasn't sure how things would go since it was Christmas Eve....

The out pour to love and support from friends and strangers was amazing!  The kids only played for an hour at Walmart and they ended up making $340!!!!  Non of us could believe it!!  People were great.....they commended the kids for what they were doing and told them what great kids they were. 

Justin had told the kids that he would double what ever they made while playing at Walmart.  He of course about died when I counted the money!  But he is a man of his word so the kids ended up having $680 to spend. 

All the great comments and seeing my kids being so brave like this brought tears of joy to my eyes!  This is what Christmas is all about and I have never been prouder of my kids!
Great day as a parent!

Aunt Susan was working that day so she said if the kids came and played for her patients at the Dialysis Center, she would donate to the cause.  The kids were more then happy to do that.  Even one of her co-workers donated as well.
Kiersten said that playing for Aunt Susan's patients was her favorite part......just might need to make that a new tradition!

The whole family had a great time buying gifts for a sweet single mom with two boys.  They kids were able to buy some really nice gifts for every one as well as give the mom $300 cash.

We spent the rest of our day buying gifts, wrapping and secretly delivering the gifts.  Then going around and looking at Christmas lights.  It really made my kids focus on giving, instead of what they wanted for Christmas.  It was a beautiful day!

Thanks Hunter for such a great idea!  They are already talking about what they plan to do different next year!  This just made my Christmas complete!

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