Saturday, December 1, 2012

Super Heroes to the Rescue

We all know I love a good themed birthday party and those parties often start with the invitations.
Logan's Super Hero Party was no exception!

I had a fun little photo shoot with Logan!  Great way to remember him turning 7......he LOVED that he was flying over New York!  And Mr. Grant is still confused and wants a picture of him flying like Logie!

I knew this party was going to be a lot of fun the minute I was working on these invites!

Logan was very excited to get to pick out his own cake at Bashas.  This is the first year I haven't traded birthday cakes for pictures.  But the kids enjoyed the change.  Me not so year will be home made cakes again.

Isn't he adorable!

Great job picking out your cake Logan......looks yummy!

Logan was thrilled that Miss Hannah, his aide at school was coming to help as his birthday party.
It just made his birthday party that much more special for him.
He adores Miss Hannah!

The boys were all made Super Heroes by none other than Bat Woman herself.
Wouldn't you feel safe with these handsome guys around?
I know I do!

It wasn't long before the party was crashed by two villains!
They dropped "bombs" that the boys had to pop.

The Super Heroes were amazing and popped those bombs with ease.

Next it was time for our Super Hero Training Course.
Climb tall buildings (the rock wall), Fly through the air (slide down the slide fast), jump tall buildings in a single bound (jump over the Lego building) and then show your super speed (run to the fence). 

Look as Super Ryker getting some air jumping that tall building.
The boys LOVED the Super Hero Training Course...........they all wanted to do it again, so we did.

I am pretty sure Mr. Grant thought the party was just as much for him as it was for Logan!

All the Super Heroes cheered each other on while they went through the course.
Love Mr. Grant sliding down the slide and Grant Allen with his arms in the air cheering him on.

It wasn't long before the two villains returned again to try and ruin the party.

These villains should have picked a different party to crash because my Super Heroes weren't having it!

The tall villain had a really scary voice....

He told us that he knew what would steal our powers...........Kryptonite!!!!
He dropped Kryptonite all over the yard........a.k.a. green ping pong balls.

Good thing we were prepared with a hazardous materials container.

Nathan Rogers being very careful with the tongs getting that kryptonite to the container safely.

Ryker showing his speed.  I love how into this the boys all got.

Grant Allen
I love how all the boys even liked watching the others get the kryptonite.

Love how the ball is in mid air.......Ryker is hurrying super fast to give the tongs to someone else.

Mr. Grant loved it so much he didn't want to give the tongs to anyone else.  He just wanted to keep picking up the kryptonite.

With all these Super Heroes in their capes and masks I couldn't resist some more pictures of them.

I just love how in all these pictures Logan is doing a different pose!
He is hilarious!  Where he comes up with this stuff I do not know.

What handsome and strong Super Heroes these were!

The villains returned again claiming they were going to ruin the party and steal the cake.
Don't worry the Super Heroes were armed with Spider Man Webs......a.k.a silly string.

There was quite a bit of running involved but with the help of the webs and by working together the Super Heroes captured both villains!!

They got the villains to the ground and waited for the police to take them away.

It wasn't long before the police arrived, sirens and all!!!

Thank you Officer Shupe for handcuffing these villains and taking them to jail!

The boys LOVED, LOVED, LOVED it when they heard the sirens of the police car coming!!!!

Officer Shupe took both villains away in his cop car.
There would be no villain that could ruin this Super Heroes Birthday Party!

This picture tells a story all in itself....
The minute Officer Shupe started handcuffing Mr. Grant's Daddy, Mr. Grant pretty much had an emotional melt down.  I tried explaining that daddy would be right back and that the police man wasn't going to hurt daddy.
Mr. Grant didn't care what I said he just kept crying and screaming.
It was funny but then it was sad because Mr. Grant was seriously very distraught about the situation.

It was at least 7 minutes or more before Justin returned, out of villain costume of course.
Mr. Grant cried that entire time and even had a hard time once Justin was back.

Look how sad and worried this little guy was about his daddy being taken.
So yes there is now documented proof that Mr. Grant will indeed need therapy!!!

After all that hard work of defeating the villains it was time for drinks and cake!

The boys got to choose the super hero favor they wanted....

Then we made Italian soda......
boy were they yummy!

Everyone was ready for some cake.....

Especially Super Logan, the birthday boy!

He is shy just so you know and really hates attention....ha, ha!
He is my performer for sure!

Watch out this Super Hero might just blow so hard the cake blows away!
Love that Nathan is covering his ears!

That sure looks like one happy birthday boy to me!

On to presents...

Money is always a favorite with my kids!

Now the gift from Mom and Dad.....

Yay a remote control car! Just what the birthday boy wanted!

I just love my Super Logan!
He is Super in so many ways.

7 Super Things I Love About Logan

1.  I love Logan's love of life......this kid is just happy all the time!
2.  I love his personality.....he makes life fun at our house!
3.  I love his hugs!  He is a hugger and hugs everyone!
4.  I love his talent for performing in front of people.  
5.  I love that he loves to dance.  I have had several people, on different occassions tell me how good Logan is and that he just feels the music.  And it is true we've always said he was born with rhythm!
6.  I love how sweet and caring Logan can be.  He always feels bad when he makes a mistake and is quick to ask forgiveness.
7.  I love Logan's laugh!  He is just a joy!  Everyone that knows Logan loves him!

We Love You Super Logan!
Happy Birthday!


anna said...

cutest party ever! Rockstar mom!!!

BiggsFamily said...

You are the coolest mom ever!! I just wish we still lived in the neighborhood to party it up with you all!! Happy late Birthday to sweet logan!!