Saturday, September 21, 2013

Mr. Grant is 4 now!

Or if you ask him he is "FIVE!!!"
He tells everyone that asks him, that he is five.
It's hard to believe he is already four.

I had taken some pictures of my friends little one year old boy and we did some cowboy pictures similar to these ones of Grant.  Grant was my "helper" during the photo shoot and he insisted on me taking cowboy pictures of him too.

4 Things I Love About Grant
1.  His smile and hugs!
2.  His love of learning........he is real inquisitive and always wants to know how and why things are the way they are.
3.  I love how polite he is.  He always tells me when I ask him if he wants something and he doesn't, he'll say, "No but thank you!"  I don't know where he even got that from because it's not something I've taught him.  He just has a polite quality about him.
4.  I love how much he loves his siblings!!!  He just adores them all.  And he kisses my belly a million times a day and tells me "I Luv Yo Baby!!"

There are so many, many things I love about Grant it was really hard to just name four.
He is such a ray of sunshine!

Grant was so darn cute!
These next two poses are ones he did all on his own!  Without any prompts from me!
I couldn't believe it...........he was quite the model.  I actually like his poses better than mine.  

Pretty sure they don't come any cuter then Mr. Grant!!!

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