Saturday, September 21, 2013

Our Curious Grant turns 4!

Much like many other birthday parties it all started with the invitations.
I don't know why I love making such invitations but I do.

Grant's most favorite cartoon these days is by far Curious George!!  He usually watches at least one episode a day.  So he decided he wanted a Curious George Party.  It was a fun party to plan!

Justin is always such a good sport when asked if he'll get dressed up.  
I simply asked him one night.  "Hey for Grant's Curious George birthday party would you dress up as the man in the yellow hat?"
Justin responded, "Sure."
It was as simple as that!!!  What a great dad he is!!!

We were sad the Paull's were out of town when we had his party, but still had a fun crew of neighbor kids.

We had the Hughes, the Smith's and the Shupe's come.

Logan was a good helper and dressed up as Curious George!
Grant was so stinkin' excited about them being dressed up.

I sure love these guys!

One thing Curious George loves to do is paint on the walls.  So that is just what we let the kids do.

Some of my huge photography paper really came in handy!

The kids thought this was pretty awesome!

They could use their hands, paint brushes, feet, shoot just about anything they wanted.

Kiersten and Maranda painted the Happy Birthday at the top!

Grant LOVED painting!

We sure got messy just like Curious George!  
When the kids asked if they could use their feet I don't think they were expecting me to say yes.

This little Curious George did a great job making a mess.  Actually he didn't even get it on his clothes so that was shocking.

I was surprised how long the kids painted for and how well they all got along.  I thought for sure someone was going to paint over someone else "art" but they didn't.

Look at that masterpiece!
Not only was it a fun activity but it was also our decoration!

Then we played a little game where the Man with the Yellow Hat hide tiny bananas all over the yard.  The kids had to find them for Curious George.

Grant was pretty excited about these little bananas!
I loved seeing the sparkle in his eye during his party!

Grant wanted a piñata and was so happy when this arrived in the mail.  I let him stuff the candy in it which just added to the fun of a piñata.

Looks like one happy Birthday Boy!

Grant was so excited for his little friend Lincoln Hughes to come to his party.

Rhett has a serious arm.....he wasn't messin' around!

I love this picture of Logan.  It just makes me smile for some reason  Looks like ballerina feet.

Hunter really let loose......he was super happy to break the piñata!  Look at that candy fly...... pure fun for a kid!

After the kids gathered candy to put in their treat bags to take home we let them make banana splits.
Seemed like a fitting dessert for a Curious George party!

I didn't hear one complaint about there not being any cake.
The kids got to pick their toppings and just load their boats to the top.

I am not a big cake fan myself, but I did enjoy a banana split.

Such a fun party all around, from the planning til the moment it was done I enjoyed it!

Happy Birthday Mr.  Grant!
We Sure Love You!

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