Saturday, June 7, 2014

Girls Camp

This was Kiersten's second year going to Girl's Camp.  This year since we were in Mexico for 9 days we only had one full day at home before she left.  I was not ready to send her off to camp for a week.

Kiersten was very excited about going so that made me sending her off easier!
I love when Kiersten gets home from girls camp.  For one thing, I just miss having her around, she is very helpful with things around the house.  But more importantly I love hearing all about her experiences up at camp.  I love hearing how her testimony of Jesus Christ has been strengthened.  That is the biggest high light for me!

We love Alani!  She is one of Kiersten's best friends!  I love knowing that Kiersten has good friends like Alani!  She's a beautiful girl on the inside and out!

McKyla and Saraphina
Two adorable girls.... glad Kiersten has them in her life!

This is what girls camp is all about... being silly!

Kiersten is such an amazing young women with such a strong testimony!  She is a great example to me!  Kiersten was asked to give a talk in church on how girls camp strengthened her testimony.  Her talk was beautiful!  It made me cry!  She is amazing and I love her so much!

This was her talk she wrote without any help from Justin or myself.

I spent the last few days up at girls camp.  And while I was up there my testimony was strengthened a lot!  I think the beauty walk strengthened my testimony the most.  The beauty walk was a silent walk through the quiet forest.  You would walk to different stations.  At the stations you would hear people talk, sing or act.  It was a very emotional walk.  And at the very end I remember into a white tent and looking at my reflection in a mirror.  I remember feeling the prettiest I've ever been!  And it was weird because I wasn't wearing any makeup, any fancy clothes and my hair was perfectly normal.  Then I walked out of the tent I was overwhelmed by the spirit.  And I remember giving Sister Napier a gigantic hug and receiving a little mirror.  It was AMAZING because my testimony grew the most it ever has in just one night.  
I'd like to bare my testimony that I know this church is true.  That President Monson is a true prophet.  Also I know that we are given trials to face because Heavenly Father knows that we can over come them.  I know that personal progress is a system to bring us closer to Christ.  I know that by reading my scriptures and saying my prayers I will be blessed.  Also I know that agency is a gift given by our Heavenly Father.  Agency comes with responsibility and consequences.  I know that Jesus, Our Savior, suffered for our sins.  And that he has been through everything we have.  Every sickness, every trial, and every pain we've experienced.  I know that Heavenly Father know my name, my trials and what I need.  And I know that Heavenly Father knows all of your names, and all of your trials and everything you need.  I know that life is a test and we need to try to do our best.  I know that we should be kind to everyone.  Just like it says in 3 Nephi 12:44, "But behold I say unto you. Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you and pray for them who despitefully use you and persecute you."
I am thankful for a wonderful family, 2 amazing parents, 3 awesome brothers and one sweet sister.  In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Talk about a wonderful youth talk....... Kiersten did an outstanding job!!!  So proud of the young woman she is becoming!  It's an honor to be her mother!

Pima 1st Ward Girls and Leaders

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