Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Tonsils Out for Mr. Grant

My sweet little super hero Grant had strep throat 5 times in 4 months!  Poor guy.........it's been rough!  And after fighting our insurance for 2 months we FINALLY got it cleared to have his tonsils removed!  It was cute because he was super excited!  Not that he had a clue what having his tonsils out would involve but he thought everything I described to him sounded fun.

Grant is my Super Hero for sure!

We went over to Tucson the night before his surgery since we had to be at the surgery center by 6:00 a.m.
We were having dinner at Red Lobster the night before and Grant was so stinkin' cute!  He kept playing this game with Justin and myself.  He would hide the crayons under the table.  Then ask one of us how many he had in his hand.  Then he would take a few seconds, "reorganize" the crayons in his hands and then very excitedly tell us we were wrong!  Then he'd show us he didn't have that many crayons in his hands.  

It was just so fun to watch him move the crayons under the table.....some times he'd even look under the table to check how many he had in each hand.  Amazingly Justin and I NEVER did guess right how many crayons he had in one hand!!!

We were wide wake ready for his surgery!
I had set an alarm for 5:30, but Grant was so excited about his surgery he got up at 5:00 so we didn't even need that alarm!  We were early to the surgery center and Grant was happy to pick up the newspapers that had been dropped off and give them to the receptionist!

I was so grateful that we were able to get Grant in for surgery.  I know it will help tremendously with him getting strep so much.

After having both Hunter and Logan get their tonsils out around Grant's age, I wasn't nearly as worried about Grant's surgery.  

I had Grant put this surgery cap on and he was not a fan of it!!!

Before we left the house I told Grant he could bring one stuffed animal with him to go in to surgery with him.  Of course he picks the largest stuffed animal he has.......... a 2 foot monkey he got for Christmas.  I informed him he'd have to pick another one and he decided on his night light dinosaur...... so the "light could shine for the doctors to see," he said.
What a great idea Grant!!!
Grant still was full of enthusiasm as the doctors wheeled him away on the hospital bed.....

However, once he was out of surgery his enthusiasm had diminished dramatically!!!  He was in a lot of pain, way more than our other boys, as I remember.  It was really sad to see him hurt so bad.  He was really polite and every time the nurse would bring him something, ice, water, Popsicles, etc he would tell her, "Thank you but nothing is helping!!!"
Once we left the surgery center he was a million times better!  He stopped crying finally and even fell asleep.  We let him get a slushy at QT and he was a happy camper!!!
It took him a good 10 days to full recuperate.... we are glad that is behind us!  Now let's hope he just doesn't get strep throat any more!
Grant really was a trooper and acted like a Super Hero through the whole thing!

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