Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Arrrrr Matey!

It was time for Logan's school musical.  It was the 3rd thru 5th graders.

Logan had a couple of speaking lines and he nailed it! So proud of our little pirate!

I loved his little pirate accent.....Arrrr Matey!

This really was one of my top favorite plays they had done.  It came together so nice!

We sure love Mrs. Rubacava, the music teacher at DPA!

Logan had wanted to try out for specific parts for the musical.  But he was sick with a really bad cough when they were held so he was unable to try out.  Ryder tried out and did not get the part he tried out for but was made Blue Beard, the pirate instead.  

These two are more like brothers than friends.
It's great that they have each other!  Oh and I can not imagine the stories they will have to tell or what we are in for during their teenage years!  Watch out!

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