Saturday, June 25, 2016

Roosevelt Lake with the Smart's

We got invited to got the the lake with the Smart's.  Justin and Hunter were on a scout campout so they couldn't come.  But the other kids and I jumped at the chance to spend the day at the lake!

Kallie and Kiersten are too cute!

Oh how I love these two!
They always have a fun time together!

No broken foot was going to keep me from enjoying the lake.  I even took the boot off to enjoy a few tube rides.  Misty and I rode on the same tube.  We laughed, we cried and we might have cussed a little!  It was such a refreshing day!

I can't thank this lady enough!
She let me vent about life without any judgement.  I probably shared a little too much of the struggles going on with Justin's depression and his withdrawal from me and the kids over the past 9 months.  But she just listened and gave good advise.  We joked about Justin's addiction to picking crab grass for hours in the back yard. Any way he can find an escape to be alone he does it.  My heart hurts so much right now.  It makes me extremely sad to know he hasn't been feeling happy or joy for a very long time.  Even though he says it has nothing to do with me, it is a little hard to not feel like I should be able to make Justin happy and make him feel happy.  I sure hope a change in medicine and some sessions with our new therapist in the Mesa are can help us both.  Heaven knows we need it!
Any way the lake was a wonderful retreat and like therapy for me!  Thanks Misty!

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