Saturday, November 12, 2016

Lindsey Stirling

So for Kiersten's birthday Justin and I gave her tickets to see Lindsey Stirling in concert. Only the funny part is, that I forgot to tell Kiersten that we got her that.... Now don't judge.... the months of June, July and August were blurred with many issues and struggles. So you can imagine how surprised she was when out of the blue at the end of October I was telling her about it. 
Just have to laugh right!  It was fun to REALLY surprise her with it!!
Originally Justin and I were going to take Kiersten and Hunter to the concert. Since they both take violin lessons right now. But it turned out that Justin and Hunter had a hiking camp out the same weekend so they couldn't go. I wanted to take someone that plays the violin and Maliya came to my mind. My mom was going to take Justin's ticket. But the day before we were leaving my mom wasn't feeling good and she felt like she should just stay home and rest or she would really be sick. So that's when Logan scored a ticket to go. He was thrilled!!

It worked out great because him and Maliya had a great time together. This would be me letting them have Wetzel Pretzels for dinner!!  

We had to leave right after Logan's soccer game so that we would have time to eat dinner and get changed for the concert. 

I really didn't know how good of a concert it was going to be. So you can imagine my shock when Lindsey started to perform!!!  It was awesome!!!

The electrical aspect of the show is phenomenal!

Kiersten must have told me a dozen plus times how hard playing the violin And dance at the same time would be. Only Kiersten said the proper words for what Lindsey was doing on her violin and the exact names of dance moves she was doing. LOL!

Kiersten must have thanked me a least 20 times for taking her to this concert.

I love giving a birthday gift that I benefit from.....hehehe!

Love these peeps!
We had a wonderful weekend.  Did some shopping which is always fun, ate too much and had some good laughs.

Sure glad Maliya could come with us!
Love this girl!
Happy late birthday Kiersten!
I love doing things for Kiersten because she is genuinely appreciative of everything.

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