Saturday, March 11, 2017

Ward Trek

Yes you read that right...
Ward Trek!! 


Tuddy, Logan, and Grant 
(Dane DeRusha nice photobomb)
What cute pioneer boys I was surrounded by. 

Justin tries his very best to talk me out of going on the ward trek. He is smiling here in this picture but I am sure in his h as he is cussing. LOL!  He isn't a fan of walking in general so the trek did not sound fun in any way. It is walking that includes socializing. Two things Justin hates. But he was a trooper and did it anyway. 

After the family we were originally paired to share a handcart with backed out. (Still mad at Jed and Tamra Hughes :)) We got paired with the Woods family. It was great to get to know them better!! 

Sweet pioneer girls!
Kiersten and Kallie Smart!
We had a wonderful pioneer company!  

Tucker Wilkins, Ella Jane and Tuddy Smart
Loved spending time with the Wilkins and Smarts!  


All that riding in the handcart can wear you out!  It was hotter than normal for this time of year. There were several people who got sick from the heat. In fact the Woods family ended up throwing up all night and went home early the next morning because of the heat. This left us once again without a family to help push the handcart with. Thank goodness Brother Wasson came and helped us push it our cart the two miles back to our cars. 


Here is proof Ella did do a little bit of walking. We were in the DeRusha Company. Funniest company ever!!!  We hiked


For some reason Logan was much happier pushing the Smart's and DeRusha's wagon instead of ours. 


It was a much hotter weekend then is typical for spring break. It was a difficult trek at times. We traveled only 8 miles. But about half of the time we were in a wash. Man it was extremely hard to push those handcarts through the sandy wash. It brought me to tears at times thinking of all the pioneers endured during their trek to Utah. 


Having a little 3 year old in the wagon gave me a tiny, tiny glimpse into traveling by handcart with little ones. Although, our hardcart was full of snacks, caprisuns, and lots of things to make our short trek comfortable. 


I love my little pioneer family!! 


We had a great and exhausting experience on the ward trek!  We loved the time we got to bond with families in our ward! 


Ella loves Lizzy Warn!
Overall the ward trek was a positive experience. My testimony and appreciation for the pioneers and the restoration of the gospel has grown. Ultimately, I am so grateful for the friendships that were strengthened over the two days spend on trek. 

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