Tuesday, March 31, 2009

3 Kings and a Princess

So crazy enough we happen to find out what we are having.............................. a BOY!!! It's a crazy, scary story as to how that all came about considering I am 13 1/2 weeks along. It was a emotionally challenging day on Sunday, but the outcome was GREAT! I woke up to some bleeding which when your prego is not so happy to see. Especially considering my experience in September with this resulted in a miscarriage. So I was terrified as one could imagine. It was a long day to say the least! We have 1:00 church and the kids had talks in primary that they were so excited about, so we waited until 5:00 to go to the ER. I didn't want to upset the kids. I thought I was sure what the outcome was so I was dreading finding out for sure. My mom watched the kids for us and Justin took me to the ER (we really like to get in an ER visit every few weeks!). I got an IV, had blood work done, got a cathader, had a ultrasound, then a vaginal ultrasound. And the baby was moving and had a good heart beat!!! YEAH!!! I was extremely relieved to put it lightly and couldn't help but cry when I was able to see little peanut moving on the screen. No real explaination as to why I am bleeding. I have a appointment with Dr. Tran this Friday so hopefully we'll get some answers. I've started to have some stomach cramping the past couple of days, but just trying to not worry and take it easy. Which taking it easy is not so easy for me, but I am doing my best. When the tec said he knew what sex the baby was Justin and I both were so surprised and he told us we are having a BOY! It was a wonderful way to find out we are having another boy. I was so happy!!! The tec also said he has never been able to tell the sex of a baby so soon during pregnancy so I still hold out hope that he is wrong and it's really a girl! In all seriousness I just want the baby to be healthy of course! We are so blessed to have such wonderful family, friends and neighbors that have offered to help with the kids and stuff. We would appreciate any prayers sent our way, as we know that everything is in the Lords hands. Thanks to everyone who has helped and been of comfort and encouragement. We appreciate you and love you all so much! I think this little guy just wants some attention:)


Welcome said...

Your in our prayers Becky! And PLEASE do call if you need ANYTHING! Carlee was sitting by me when I was reading your post, and she says, "Oh poor Kiersten, she really wants a sister." But I promise she will love the baby no matter what. My girls love Fisher!

PL Rath said...

I'm glad everything is alright. We lost a baby to miscarriage a few years ago as well, and I know how hard it can be. Maybe we'll have to come see you guys next time we're in the valley.

Us said...

I'm glad to hear your baby is ok! and Congratulations!

anna said...

Congrats on boy number 3! Seems like more and more people are having that same setup, 3 boys and one girl....
Anyway, when i was prego with my only daughter, they told me at 13 1/2 weeks I was having a boy too. During my ultrasound at 18 weeks they said nope, it's a girl! So, who knows, maybe her vagay-jay is just swollen up to look like testies right now!