Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Logan's Big Day

Does he look ready for his first day of preschool or what? He was ready but I so wasn't. I can't believe my baby is starting preschool. He is quite the handsome fellow! Logan was so excited to have his own backpack, Thomas the Train. He wanted a dinosaur one but we couldn't find one.
Hunter wanted to get in the picture. Logan will be attending the Brighter Day Preschool, the same as Hunter does, just different times. I am excited for Logan to get some speech therapy and he was excited to ride the BUS, like Hunter! Yea, they are special boys! Hunter is trying to block the sun from Logan's face. How sweet is that? Little off but it's the thought that counts. The best part about his preschool is that it is free to us and the bus will come and pick him up and drop him off, just like Hunter. The preschool program is phenomenal!!!
Logan didn't even cry a bit. He was happy to see all the cool toys and get all the attention from his new teacher and aide.
He is so little to be riding on the bus. He was beaming when he got off the bus. He told me, "I ride the bus, like a big boy!" Then he said in a questioning voice, "Mom, I do it again?" So I told him yep, he gets to do it again tomorrow. He yelled, "YEAH MOMMY I LOVE YOU!!!"
Logan is just the sweetest boy! He is tough and all boy, but underneath he is a sweetheart!


Susan and Don said...

Such cute boys! Oh time flies so fast. Thanks for keeping this updated so I can watch!

touch of glass said...

Oh cute, gotta love our speech qualifing boys! Free preschool is the best and I'm amazed at how much they learn and grow.

dezertgirlaz said...

Man how time flies! I can't believe Logan is so big already!