Tuesday, March 17, 2009


A tribe of southern Sinagua built their masonry homes in the Verde Valley about AD 1000. This is the Tuzigoot pueblo.
Tressie had Hunter and they actually never made it to Tuzigoot. I wish Hunter had seen it because he really likes stuff like this. This is Logan, Ashley, Kiersten and Maranda, so I was still plenty busy even without Hunter. It really is amazing to see ruins like these. I just can imagine the amount of work that went into making it back so many years ago.
Kiersten found this spot and said it "looked like a great picture shot!" They are so trained. Kiersten say when she gets older she'll help me with my photography business, it was really cute.
This really shows what it looks like and this is about 1/2 of the ruin.
I love this picture. Such beautiful clouds!
We had to keep a close eye on Logan cause he loves to jump and thinks he can jump off anything. Crazy kid!
Kiersten saw these buckets, shovels and hose they were using to do some patch work on the wall. She said, "Real nice and I am suppose to believe these walls were made hundreads of years ago. You've got to be kidding me!" She was so serious, it was funny.
As a photographer I loved this sign! I think it's a great motto to live by!

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