My friend Steph had told me about this place called Jump Street, so on our way home we thought we'd try it out. Man are we glad we did! It was lots of fun!

For the life of me I could not talk this little boy out of being in our picture. I didn't want to hurt his feelings but I didn't want his parent to think it was strange that I would be taking his picture. I tried to get the kids to stand in front of him but he'd just move........and so he was adopted into our family picture. He even wanted to see the picture on my camera.

Kiersten running up the side

The kids really enjoyed running up the sides and sliding down on their bums. What can I say so did I!

Hunter was bound and determined to climb into the gator mouth.
I said, "Hunter I don't think you can get in there."
Hunter replied, " A true boy never gives up Mom."
Hunter is a True Boy!
He made it and proved me wrong.

Mr. Grant and me

I had so much fun jumping with Mr. Grant. Justin commented saying he wasn't sure who was having more fun Mr. Grant or me. What can I say I am a kid at heart.........and I wouldn't want it any other way!

The kids all loved that I would get out there with them and jump.
Mr. Grant was obsessed with Hunter's shaved head.

He just wanted to keep feeling it and he would just giggle. It was so cute!

The kids wanted a picture without Mr. Grant attacking Hunter's head. I love being a mom and having an excuse to go to fun places!
The whole weekend was full of fun and laughter.
I came back with a few funny stories and a couple of "guess ya had to be there" jokes.
Couldn't have asked for more then that!
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