Mr. Grant was taking a nap in the playpen in my room and I was busy on the other side of the house helping the kids with some fun school booklets. I knew the Levi's that were in the dryer were done but figured I would just wait until Mr. Grant woke up to get them out. I usually take the laundry into my room to fold them. I am not one to go into a room where the baby is sleeping unless absolutely necessary and defiantly wouldn't normally do it just to fold laundry.
Three or four times I had the same impression to go get the Levi's out of the dryer and go fold them in my room. I finally told Kiersten I would be right back and went to do just that.
I had my arms full of laundry, opened my bedroom door as easily as I could and gently put the Levi's on my bed. I then could see that Mr. Grant was actually awake. He was laying on his back kicking or more like flapping his arms and legs, but making no sound. It seemed strange to me because he usually isn't so quiet. I then could tell he was actually choking. I run to grab him........pat his back and then swipe his mouth with my finger......
.........he was choking on a NICKEL! Yes a NICKEL!
And at that moment my heart stopped...

....I couldn't believe it a NICKEL in his playpen that I had put him in. I was immediately grateful for the promptings of the Holy Ghost and that our Heavenly Father is so patient with me. It took 3 or 4 impressions telling me the same thing....get the Levi's out of the dryer and take the laundry into your bedroom.... before I actually listened. It seemed like a silly thing to do because Mr. Grant was asleep in the room and the laundry could wait. Well the laundry could wait but Mr. Grant could not!

What a scary thing it was but I am grateful to my Heavenly Father that that's all it was............ a scare and a lesson. The outcome could have easily been different. I was thankful that we had said our family prayers and read our scripture this morning, not that bad, tragic things can't still happen when you remember to do those things but I know they help! As I was rocking Mr. Grant to sleep this afternoon, while he sang himself to sleep.........I cried.
What a sweet boy Mr. Grant is!
Today was one of those days that reminded me of what is truly important in life and I am grateful I was reminded with a scary event, instead of a devastating one. I hope I can try to enjoy life more and worry less, treat others around me better and show those around me, I love them always.......even when life is so hectic.
Wow Becky How scary, I am so glad that he is okay and that you are too now!!!! I love love love our kids and thank Our Heavenly Father that all turned out okay!!! I love you guys!!! Thanks for taking us ALL in yesterday, the kids had a blast and you helped my sanity!! Love ya tons
wow Becky - how blessed you are. What a tender moment. Thanks for sharing! I listened to conference on my way to Globe today and just love the talk by Julie Beck. She said: The ability to qualify for, receive, and act on personal revelation is the single most important skill that can be acquired in this life." You certainly qualified today by remembering your scriptures and prayers with your sweet family!
I am so glad everthing is ok! How scary that would be.
Thanks for sharing Becky! It is such a wonderful reminder for all of us. We need to slow down and be doing those things that will allow us to hear those promptings. You are such a sweet mother! :)
I've said it before...you're an amazing mama!! Go for you to be "still" enough to hear the promptings and obedient enough to follow them! Thanks for sharing1
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