I can't count how many times Logan has asked me what the name of his t-ball team is......the Orioles. No matter what Logan says...."yeah the OREOS right mom?"
And so we've just given up and Logan's team, to us, is now the OREOS.
When we eat oreos or see them at the store Logan gets all excited and says, "Mom it's Oreos just like my t-ball game."

Justin helps Hal Moore during the games most of the time.
Brinner is quite the character and one of Logan's best buddies.
Ryker Shupe is Logan's other buddy on his team. We should have gotten all the neighborhood boys on the same t-ball team I think. They would have loved it!

That would be
Brinner with his glove on his head. It's pretty comical to sit through a t-ball game.

This would be
Ryker standing backwards because the sun was in his eyes facing the right way.

Look at the Stud! Logan is all smiles when he runs the bases.

I love little boys!

Logan loves to run to each base and jump on it when he gets there.

My kids are really lucky to have such wonderful grandmas. My mom comes to almost every game which I love just as much as the kids! Justin's mom comes when she isn't working at the temple or watching other
grand kids. We all love it when she comes as well!

These two boys have a great time together!

Silly Boys! I just love the setting out here. The fields might not be that great but the view of Mt. Graham more then makes up for it.

Logan and
Brinner are the giggliest boys I know. They can't help but laugh when they are together and they just make Stacy and I laugh because they are laughing.

I tell Logan he needs to be a good friend to
Brinner because he's a big guy and he'll protect Logan. Five weeks of baseball is about all we need. The month of June has been so busy with baseball games and swim meets. We are looking forward to July when things will calm down. We will miss seeing all our friends, lawn chairs in the back of the Yukon, eating out (not sure we'll really miss it), late nights, towels everywhere, a back car full of: towels, baseball hats, gloves, water bottles, ice chest, lawn chairs, sunscreen, goggles, swim caps, etc.
Oh how I absolutely CHERISH the summer time!
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