Sunday, November 22, 2009

Aye the Treasure Hunt Begins..........

At the very end of the party we had a treasure hunt for the kids to find all the goodies to put in their treat bags. My mom sewed these cute little bags for all 20 kids..............she is amazing! Having a treasure hunt is always a big hit with kids! We did it in two groups because there were so many kids. Every little pirate was eager to see what treasures they would get.
Justin was a great sport and a wonderful Captain Hook!
WOW that's some pirate face Doyle!
At the end they found a treasure chest full of gold necklaces, gold coins and jewels. All the kids thought it was GREAT!
What a TREASURE! The memories are all the treasure I need!
Captain Logan feel asleep on the floor at 7:00 sharp. He was so tired from his fun "Yo Ho Party!" The next day he asked me, "Mom can we do my party over again!" I'll take that as a compliment from my 4 year old!
Sleeping with his eyes slit open.......................oh the life of a pirate!
Happy Birthday Logan!

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