Sunday, November 1, 2009

Oh How Fun............

Mom always has a pinata. This year it was a Dora pinata of course. Mom is very smart and always gets the pinata with the strings. No telling how many ER visits we would have it she let this group have a bat!
Everyone waiting for that candy to fall!
Mom had a very fun game of give the witch some hair! The kids loved using silly string to add hair to the witch!
This is Hunter under that Dora head. He did the funniest little dance to go along with his new head. He is such a funny kid! Just full of personality!
I love Doyle and Logan's expressions in this picture!
Nice aim Hunter!
Mom also did a treasure hunt in the dark for the kids. The kids went crazy over this. She made little maps for each kid and the went in pairs to different rooms in the house and found treats in each room. They each got their own flashing to keep, so that was fun. They loved running around the basement with their flashlights!
This was their treat bags that they filled up during the treasure hunt! It was such a fun party and makes for some great memories for the kids. The food was delicious. It was Mexican of course.................Dora's specialty!

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