Thursday, November 5, 2009

Grant's Biggest Challenge..........

(Logan insisted on taking a picture with his "Little Friend, Brant!")
I am pretty sure Grant's biggest challenge in life right now is surviving his loving, ever so helpful three year old brother, Logan! Up until last week Logan had done a great job of being gentle with Grant. Apparently that phase has past and Logan is now onto being a Holy Terror!!!
Monday Grant was asleep on the couch and the rest of the family was out in the backyard visiting with Uncle Dustin about our landscape. I saw Logan go inside the house, after about 10 minutes I realized Logan was still in the house......ALONE WITH GRANT! So I ran inside to find Logan holding Grant by the neck "walking" him back and forth across the couch. Needless to say everyone, including Logan, lived through that.
The very next day I ran some errands in town. I went into the dry cleaners to drop something off and when I come back out I find that Logan was "given Grant a drink of his coke." Yea he spilt his whole soda all over Grant. This time I think he really was trying to be helpful. Logan kept telling me, "Mommy Brant was crying so I share my soda with him!" Whenever we ask Logan about this incident he either completely denies it or he'll say, "Why I in big trouble?"
This was the same day Grant, who normally doesn't split up very much, puked all over me. And by all over I mean ALL OVER ME!!! I have had spit up on my shirt, pants and even in my hair but until this day I had never gotten spit up in my mouth. Yep, I has turned looking and talking to Grant and before I knew it he had spit up and it got in my mouth. Man alive that was a mother moment if there ever was one. I about tossed my own cookies, it grossed me out so bad. Oh the joys of motherhood!

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