Thursday, February 18, 2010

Kiersten's Little Things Collection

Kiersten LOVES Little Things and has since she was very little. We have been looking for things to keep the collection in to display them on the wall and we need to say a GREAT BIG THANKS to Tessa! Thanks so much for letting Kiersten have your old boxes! Kiersten just couldn't believe how cool they are. Thanks again and thanks Sandra for being so thoughtful and giving. You are one of my truest friends! Wish I saw you guys more!! Kiersten got a couple of little things for her collection for Valentine's day. It is amazing to me that someone can carve something so small, a monkey on a pumpkin.
Two little acorns..........they are real just painted and have earth magnets on them so the stay together. Kiersten loved them.
She just had to have a picture of her with her collection. Thanks again Tessa you are too kind!

1 comment:

azsmith said...

I'm so glad the little things boxes are back in business, and it looks like Kiersten is getting a nice collection going. I miss you and hope you'll stop by soon, or I will run out to Pima and see you!