Sunday, April 25, 2010

Getting So BIG...........

Mr. Grant is now 7 months old! It makes me so sad he is growing up too fast. Even Kiersten mentioned how sad she is that Mr. Grant is getting so big. He has been rolling for about 2 months. He now is getting up on his hands and knees and rocking back and forth. So before long he will be a MESS!
I could hardly get him to look up from the mirror. He loved seeing himself! Isn't he the sweetest thing! We are loving very minute with him. I would like to see less of him during the night, but no sleep goes with being a Mom. It's like my sweet mother-in-law says, "Motherhood isn't for wimps!"
I absolutely love little boys in baseball outfits.
Justin took these shots for me. We decided my pants would look better in the pictures then his hairy legs.
Mr. Grant can't quite sit up without some help so I was just keeping my hand behind him in case he lost his balance. It was so cute Justin had a hard time getting Mr. Grant to look away from me. Just melts my heart! Justin said, "I don't want to look away from you either Bec!"
Mr. Grant has the BEST smiles! I love how his little chubby hands look like they are just plopped on his arms like Lego's.
He was so happy! This was one of the few pictures where the glove and baseball are together. He was more interested in playing with them then looking up for a picture.
"Game Face".....
That's what I would title this picture. I love his serious face like he's in a really baseball game..........checking out the runner on first or something. I love how his toes are curled up and he is in deep thought. We don't even know what he was so interested in as I am behind him, Justin is taking the picture and no one else is even in the studio.
We eventually had to separate Mr. Grant and the glove and baseball because he wouldn't stop playing with them or even look up for that matter.
All Boy! I am finding that I am NOT missing having another girl more and more. I am taking full advantage of my sweet Kiersten don't get me wrong but am loving boy stuff. We have a neighborhood of little boys so it's going to be a fabulous place for the kids to grow up. Kiersten has the three Shupe girls, and Maranda, Carlee and Ashley to keep her balanced. She is way out numbered with boys out here. Which will be a completely different problem during the teenage years............YIKES!
Love, Love, Love the baseball bum!
One thing I will greatly miss when Mr. Grant grows out of it is how he sings to himself as I rock him to sleep. It is so cute!
I love how curious babies are! It was harder then ever to get Mr. Grant to look up. He was so interested in the basket. I have had to give up wearing necklaces because he just can't leave them alone.............not even to eat!


Susan and Don said...

They are all so precious! You take fabulous pix Becky!

Donelle said...

What a cute, cute baby! Crazy how they grow up so fast!

Tifani said...

You are a natural!!! I love these pics, i can't wait to eat him!!!

BiggsFamily said...

You just amaze me everytime I see your photos!! So talented, also doesn't help that he is SO adorable!! And yes I am sure we will all have a whole different situation on our hands come teenage years, we will be having to lock the boys up ha ha

Kamala Crockett said...

Since we're having a BOY I'm dreaming of all the cute pictures you can take! Love the baseball theme and almost bought him a little baseball outfit!! Can't wait!