Sunday, February 19, 2012

Apple Juice and Airplanes

My kids are always asking me to tell them stories............stories about my childhood, stories about dating Justin, stories about them being babies, just any true story I can think of. They love to hear any little bit of information about us and our lives that they can't recall. So I thought when I remember something I should blog about it so in the future they can read all kinds of stories and things about me, Justin and our "story."
So why Apple Juice?
I don't particularly care for apple juice nor did I give my babies or toddlers apple juice very often............I always just gave them water because I didn't buy apple juice that much.
But there is two times in life when I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Apple Juice!
One is right after I have a baby............and I mean for the couple of days stay in the hospital I can not get enough apple juice. No joke! It is the best tasting thing to me and it has been that way with the birth of all my kids. Kind of crazy I know.
The other time I always LOVE Apple Juice is when flying in an airplane.
It is amazing to me the way the taste of something like Apple Juice can bring me right back to memories of just having a baby. It reminds me of the joy of seeing that new member of our family, of the immediate love that I have for them and for the relief that they are finally here safe and healthy. It reminds me of how in an instant my heart feels like it increased in size to make room for the newest love of my life. I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who gave us amazing bodies and senses. I love being reminded of sweet moments in life!

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