Sunday, February 19, 2012

Chicago Trip

I was counting down the days for my trip to Chicago............
I made plans for this trip back in November when my great mother-in-law told me about the cheap flights to Chicago and offered to keep my kids. I jumped at the chance to go see my sister!
It had been three years since I had been back to visit so I was very excited.
I wasn't all that sure about visiting in the dead of winter but I love my sister that much to at least try it once! We usually go in the summer time. Justin I am sure was hoping the snow might slow down some of our shopping, but Marla reassured him that she had two 4-wheel drive vehicles so the snow wouldn't be a problem...ha, ha!
When I was finally able to make it to Chicago, this is the dinner that awaited me! A feast for a King for sure. It was so yummy..........thanks Troy!
My flight on Friday ended up getting canceled due to a bad snow storm moving into the Midwest. Which I found out about once I was in Globe! Might I note that this was the first big snow storm Chicago got up to this point this winter.............just my luck! I rescheduled for the following morning early. So after talking it over with Justin and his mom we decided that it didn't make since for me to drive home and then get up and leave the following morning at like 3:00 a.m. Instead I traveled on to Mesa. I enjoyed a day of shopping, eating at the Cheesecake Factory and I even took in a movie, Joyful Noise. That wasn't my top choice of movies but it was the only one that started when I needed it to and that wasn't rated R.
It ended up being a fun relaxing day. I got to hang out with my adorable nephew, Tyler and visit with Chris and Melissa so it was great! Melissa and Chris were kind enough to let me stay at their house which was nice.
They following morning things went smooth and the flight was great! I was so excited to finally make it to Chicago!
And who wouldn't with food like this awaiting you! Scallops with bacon...delicious! Crab legs.......truly one of my favorites! I wish I would have taken a picture when I first got there. This is a couple of days later and it had rained so the snow melted quite a bit. Isn't my buddy Garrett a cutie! I had such fun playing with him. One night he was told to get in bed and he did. Then he snuck down the stairs and came to give me a hug! He randomly came up to me and would say, "Do you need a hug?" It just melted my heart! He is a easy three year old for sure! Just looking at this picture is making me hungry..........I love strawberry crepes. And these ones were to die for! This trip was different then all others I have taken to Chicago. The only other time I have gone without taking my kiddos with me was just after Marla had Garrett. So we typically just do kid friendly stuff and try to visit in between all that. However, this trip I had no kids to care for and Marla didn't have a newborn. So we just went and went and went! Several days we went out for Brunch. One of my favorite spots, they were all delicious though, was Eggsperience Pancakes & Cafe! We also ate at a place called Pomegranate Cafe which was yummy as well. Marla and I got to visit and laugh more then ever and I treasured even minute of it!
One day Marla made arrangements for Garrett and we headed to the city.
I love the city of Chicago!
We went on a tour of the oldest home in Chicago, this is the only standing pre-fire house there is in Chicago. It was very interesting! We got to visit the Glessner house and Clark house on Prairie Avenue. Such a neat area and great history.
We went to visit Troy and see his new office. He made partner at Holland and Knight Law Firm last year and man does he have a spectacular office view now. You can see the lake, Trump towers, and several other landmarks.
Glad I got to see his new office! It was amazing!
When we were walking to the theater to see Mama Mia I saw this sign and couldn't help but take a picture. When I saw it I immediately thought of Justin. He is a GOODMAN! I am so grateful to be married to him and I appreciate him letting me take this trip!
Did I mention I love visiting the city?
This was a great Italian restaurant. Actually it's three levels with three separate Italian restaurants. The atmosphere inside is great, you feel like you are eating on the streets of Italy. It was wonderful! Marla and I had a great time eating and visiting!
Then it was off to the Oriental Theater to see Mama Mia. This was my forth time seeing it but it was wonderful just the same.
Sorry this is such a bad iPhone doesn't do well in low light.
The architecture of this theater is amazing! I have been to it before but every time it takes my breath away. Inside the actual theater is even more amazing but man are they strict about taking any pictures in there. Guess you'll just need to take a trip to Chicago to see it!
One of the days we visited downtown Naperville. It has cute little shops and cafes'. This day particularly cold so I got on my thermals and bright sweatpants. I could care less what I looked like I just wanted to be warm! Thought I should take a picture of the little shop sign above me..........Hot Mama! Yeah not so much "Hot" looking in my sweat It was a maternity store any way so no need for me to go it there boy howdy!
But there was a need for us to stop at the La Chocolat Cafe for a little sweetness.
They have the best hot chocolates and desserts! So worth being out in the bitter cold. You know it's cold when my sister confirms that yes today is a cold day.......and she's use to it! My Arizona butt not so much!
I picked up some chocolates for my mother-in-law and mom while I was there. I have to think of the wonderful people back home that made my trip possible............I just LOVE them!
Me and my Chicago boys!
One night Marla and Troy had a Law firm thing to go to so I took the little boys to go see the movie, The adventures of Tin Tin. We had a great time and when we came out of the movie it was snowing. That's kind of a fun thing when you don't have to actually live in it!
Rieley is sixteen now and such a fun guy!
Even though he dogged me on movie night with the little boys I still love him! Guess I am not as cool of an aunt to him as I am to the little boys?
I just love my sister!
This trip was amazing! We had so much fun!
Yes Aubrey is 14 and taller then me. But being taller than me doesn't make a person that tall :)
I just adore Aubrey!
She has such a fun personality and can impersonate India Indian people to a T.
I came home with a fun treat for Hunter. Aubrey no longer needed this little guitar so she let Hunter have it. I must really love that kid to bring such a thing home with me :) He was beyond happy when I sent Justin a picture of it with my luggage at the airport! It was like Christmas morning when I gave it to him. He borrowed an amp from Spencer and our music room is really rockin' now to say the least. Now he wants to take guitar lessons, on top of his violin lessons and piano lessons!
I came home to a great surprise............Kiersten had sewn me an owl all on her own. As well as painted me a cute sign that reads, "Awesome mom living here!" What Amazing kids I have been blessed with!!!
I also got yummy cookies and a sweet note!
Highlights of my trip
1. Visiting with Marla and her family
2. Visit to the city
3. Seeing Mama Mia
4. Watch movies at the theater.... Joyful Noise, Adventures of Tin Tin, FootLoose and Up Close and Incredibly Loud
5. Read two books......The Hourglass Door and The Forgotten Garden
6. Working out with Marla at her gym
7. Seeing Troy's new office
8. Shopping, shopping and shopping!
It was just a fabulous trip and memories I will treasure forever!!
I love the Chicago gang!

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