Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Las Vegas Trip….Day One

Kiersten had a dance convention/competition in Las Vegas.  We were able to talk Marla into letting us take Aubrey with us and they would pick her up on their drive up to Utah for EFY.  Kiersten could not have been happier……….she LOVES Aubrey.
It was suppose to be just us three girls but last minute Justin and I decided Hunter should get to come with us as well.  Hunter was thrilled………he had been wanting to go on this trip and he earned it in my opinion! 

The hotel we were staying at was about a mile from the Strip.  It was where the dance convention was held.  It wasn't a very nice hotel where we had to stay which was a bummer.  But we didn't spend a whole lot of time in the actual room so it was fine.  The kids loved walking the strip…….and of course they loved the M&M store.

Now we couldn't pass up the chance to take a picture with Optimus Prim!  The costume was pretty awesome!

There were two times that I took the kids to buffets while in Vegas.  It's not like the good old days……….those buffets are pricey now a days!!!!  But I wanted them to experience all the fancy food and trying new things.  And yes I let them try one of everything on the dessert table!  It was awesome!
This particular night Aubrey tried wasabi sauce at the sushi bar for the first time.
WOW was it an experience!  I thought she was kidding when she took a spoonful of it and said she was going to eat it.  She did just that and she swallowed it all!  Then she pretty much had an asthma attack and heart attack at the same time.  She was FREAKING OUT!!!  The kids and I were laughing so hard we cried!  It was the most dramatic 10 minutes of the trip!

The first night we got there we went to see Blue Man Group!

The kids were super excited to watch the show!

Blue Man Group sure are entertaining.  They do some interesting things.  It wasn't my favorite show we saw in Vegas but I was glad the kids got to see it.  I've been to see Blue Man several times, both in Vegas and in Chicago.

The end of the show with all the toilet paper and huge beach balls sure made for some fun.  

The black lights added to the fun ending of the show.

We had to get pictures with the band!  They sure rocked!

One of the Blue Man Group!
Their facial expressions were priceless!

The kids were really impressed once we left the show and they saw the Strip all lit up!
I've never brought kids to Vegas before.  It actually made me really nervous and when you are walking the Strip with your sweet kids you REALLY notice all the bad things you don't want them exposed to.

We all enjoyed the water show at the Bellagio.

This guy was on America's Got Talent.  He is an extortionist.  The kids remembered seeing him on TV, so they thought it was super cool to see him on the streets of Vegas.

It was a fun first day in Vegas!

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